staying on track

some help please. i have a problem staying on track. i get cravings and i dive in head first and before i know it i have eaten a ton of calories. any tips to stop overeating would be helpful thanks.


  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    You've got to be strong and stick with it. Everytime I went for that packet of biscuits I thought, tasty, by unhealth and not filling, and would grab an apple. However, losing weight is not a prison sentence, so allow the odd treat.

    Set yourself mini goals - I would say you have just passed one as you have lost 10% of your goal already!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Like dcmat said you just have to be strong. At first it is hard but if you can force yourself to do it long enough it will become habit. Everytime you go to reach for food try drinking some water instead. This way you are still putting something in your body. Now if you really are hungry then try to get a healthier snack like fruit, raw nuts, string cheese etc.

    The company I train with said you are supposed to cheat from your diet 20% of the time. It is a 80-20 ratio over a week. I wouldn't cheat 20% each day. I would try to spread that out throughout the week.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Being strong sometimes is hard, but that is what you need to do.
    That being said, when you want to grab food, drink water first instead. A lot of times, our bodies are thirsty, not hungry, and drinking water takes that edge off.
    Are you bored? Take up a hobby that involves your hands if possible.....knitting, putting together jigsaw puzzles, solving crosswords or soduku -- or better yet -- head outside for a nice long walk.
    If then, you are truly hungry, keep healthy snacks on hand -- fruits, carrots and celery sticks, etc.
    Good luck! You can do this -- If I can, anyone can! :wink: