Well, I am finally back...

Well, I am finally back... I was forced to take a few months off due to pregnancy, lost another baby, had a very bad bleeding scare where I had to be rushed to the hospital and have taken almost 4 weeks to recover and build up my iron and blood stores... UGH... It has been hell...

BUT I am ready and feeling healthy again... I am now logging daily and I even started to blog about it! Looking forward to continuing this journey and finally hitting my goal weight in the future...

I started at 273 in March and in April when I found out I was pregnant I was at 257... I will do a weigh in tomorrow morning when I wake up and see where I am at (soooos cared, though my clothes seem to be ok...)

Anyone who wants to add me so I have the biggest support network ever feel free!!! I love this site and am so glad to be back!

Ohhhh and with my husband on course this summer my workout time has been reduced some, I can only exercise early am (like 6am) or after 7 or 8pm (which i HATE) I am home with kids all day and busy running my daycare so I can not fit more than a walk into the days... I recently purchased Jullian Michaels Shread It with Weights and am going to try and start that in the mornings at 6am to start my days...

Anyone have any suggestions for quick high cal burning activities... I do have a pool, 4 feet deep above ground deal, I was thinking on buying the workout set for in water and doing a bit in there. My hubby also likes Cross Fit and I could do some of that at home....


  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Welcome back...sorry for your loss! I am here for help and motivation to get you back on track...
  • mel4395
    mel4395 Posts: 18
    Im so sorry for your loss. Please feel free to add me, and welcome back. what an emotional journey it must be for you.
  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 95 Member
    So sorry to hear about you loss. Must have been a hellish time. I've added you so hopefully we can spur each other on!
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    Hi!! You are a strong woman! Sorry to hear of your loss. As far as exercise, it sounds like you have the perfect plan. Hang in there and just stick to it.