When your spouse doesn't share your fitness enthusiasm...



  • pricenskok
    pricenskok Posts: 15
    Here is something that I haven't seen mentioned...What about showing him the amount of money he is spending on crap food, the money he could save by eliminating that would/could go for "X"??

    Money is a big deal to me, since I have been on the low end scraping by, barely able to afford a place to live, with a job that wasn't making ends meet. Now hubby has a great job, and I can stay home again with our babies, and I'm all about saving money anywhere I can.

    Do you think that might help him make healthier choices?? Good luck to you and hope he sees the "light" soon!!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Well my boyfriend was kind of the same (not really). I started walking and jogging around our neighborhood and I asked if he would join me. He said no, that he wouldn't until I was able to keep up with him so I wouldn't slow him down....I know rude right!

    Anyways, he came home one night from one of his jogs all out of breath. I asked him where he went and he said he found a really long road that he tried to jog straight, but couldn't. I knew of the road and had jogged it several times before. So I thought this would be a great opportunity to show him how far I have come.

    I told him that I could jog the road all the way. He thought I was joking. He said if I could he would start jogging with me. So the next day we got up and both jogged down the road. He was unable to jog it all the way. Me on the other hand...I was able to jog the road and go further! I was so proud of myself, and I could tell he was proud of my too.

    Now we go jogging together and he has to try and keep up with me!

  • pricenskok
    pricenskok Posts: 15
    That is so funny!! I love it how our guys can think they can out-do us, and then we show them up! LOL Good job!! I too am very proud of you! hearing all the success stories on mfp helps keep me motivated, and I know in due time, I can do what i haven't been able to do before!!

    I would love to be able to run, I am a big girl, with big boobs, and so with not wanting to put an eye out, I haven't attempted it yet, as well as I'd probably pass out or hurt myself otherwise if I tried!! I'm getting there though! LOL