
Hello all,

I really need to lose 50 pounds. I would like to get some help and some good friends . I opened the food diary to all of you to preview. Please let me know if I am eattting the right food. I feel like I am not losing any weight . My clothes are getting tighter and tighter. I spend to much time looking for something to wear. Please help. Thanks.


  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    There's a lot of good posts on the boards here about proper nutrition.

    We all kind of have a good idea of whats healthy and whats not. Eating foods friend in grease and oil aren't usually healthy. Fast food... not a great idea.

    Lean means, chicken, tons of veggies, fruits, whole grains. Stick to foods like that, and stay under your calorie goal, and you'll be doing just fine.

    This site is the best site you could have possibly found if you are actually serious about losing that weight and staying healthy. If you want it, there is ALWAYS support on here.

    **EDIT** Spelling fail. Corrections made.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I'm wondering about that Indian tea you have every day - that is a lot of calories and it seems you have it every day, sometimes twice a day. I'd feel more satisfied eating those calories in food vs. drink.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Did you just start? I friend request sent. It looks like your doing a lot of working out. You might be gaining more muscle that is going to be heavier than fat.
    Also, if this is just your first week doing it, you need to be realistic about it. 1 pound a week is a lot, don't forget there are fluctuations too. I can swing up and down as much as 10 pounds in a day, so that 1 pound is hard to see until you get a larger data set.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    P.S. Put a picture up to go with the name. It doesn't matter what you look like or how fat you think you are, we've all been there. Hell, I was 222 lbs at my highest, at 30%+ body fat.

    For a guy, thats freaking terribad.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I think your diet for the last few days looks pretty good. Keep it up! Also I see that you go to Curves- I do as well and have been going there for about 3 years. I think it's a great workout in a short period of time and they have LOTS of good research data about how it helps you lose weight while maintaining muscle. Watch your protein intake in order to do just that- so far it looks pretty good but just make sure you get enough.
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Jessy, you are NOT eating enough calories. A woman MUST eat 1200 calories per day. [EDIT: I apologize, I looked at yesterday and panicked. The days prior to then look really good, actually!!]

    If you want to get your body out of starvation mode, eat at least 1200 calories per day, follow the recommendations for carbs/fats/proteins as closely as possible, and drink at LEAST 8 glasses (2 liters, 64 oz.) of water per day.

    The water will flush everything out of your system and help you process what's stuck in your cells.

    I recommend eating back your exercise calories if it doesn't feel like way too much food, but do NOT drop below 1200 if you can at all avoid it. I have had excellent results eating back the exercise calories (although I very often stay below). Every once in a great while I drop below 1200--we all do at times. Just please, please, please don't make a habit of it--if you do you go into starvation mode and your body gloms onto anything and everything you ingest and stores all of those calories for later rather than allowing you to lose weight. [EDIT: see above comment about panic]

    [EDIT: I second the comment about muscle weighing more than fat and often making us gain before we lose much. Perhaps if you increase your water intake for at least a few days up to 10-12 glasses rather than just 8?]

    I hope this is helpful! I wish you the very best of luck!