Atkins Diet??



  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    Ummm... Dr. Adkins died before he hit 60, heart disease. Eating that much protein, your body goes into overdrive because it's so hard to digest. That's why you'll have weight loss. I guess I'm not a fan of "dieting" in general. I believe in making healthy lifestyle choices overall that you can live with forever. With a diet, you ALWAYS run the risk of gaining weight back when you finish the "diet." That being said, I know people it worked well for, but they all gained the weight back. :S

    It is Dr. Atkins, not Adkins. He died at 72 from a slip and fall accident on the ice. The rest of your post is about as accurate as the first part.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Has anyone done the Atkins Diet? I have a friend who is doing it now and is seeing great results. I'm just a little skeptical? Anyone ever done this program?

    OP, I've been doing Atkins since February 2011. I'm down 40 lbs. I feel great. I can't list all the ways my body has improved and feels better! It is completely healthy. You really need to buy the book, and read how to do the diet, if you're serious about it. For it to work, and for you to reap the benefits, you need to know the right foods to eat and what to avoid. I think a lot of people hear "low-carb" and make some assumptions. The diet doesn't work for them, because they made up their own plan, so they go preaching that it's bad for you.

    Having said that, I will say that the Atkins lifestyle change is sustainable for life. You are only limiting your carbs for the first phase (Induction), and that is only a minimum of 2 weeks. Then, you can start adding back in fruits, veggies, nuts, and Yes, even carbs. For me, I quit craving carbs and sugars about 3 weeks in. I've gone through 5 birthdays in my family without even a small craving for cupcake or cake.

    If you're serious about diet and lifestyle change, read the book. Follow the plan. Don't cheat. And you will be successful! Good luck!
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    And Atkins isn't bad for your body. Here is a recent review looking at many diet studies:

    I will quote the conclusions:

    "Evidence from this systematic review demonstrates that Low Carb /High Protein diets are more effective at 6 months and are as effective, if not more, as Low Fat diets in reducing weight and cardiovascular disease risk up to 1 year. "

    The low carb diet results in more weight loss until people start adding carbs back in at 6 months. The evidence continues to build that eating fat doesn't make you fat. Yes, you can't go back to your old eating ways. Yes, it is a life change that many people don't feel like they can do. That doesn't mean it's bad or unhealthy.

    No one is the same. Different people can handle different diets. Different people have different dietary needs. I wish people would stop being so negative about something that can really help a lot of people out there. You don't see low-carb fans bombing threads asking for low-fat tips.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    I never said he died from a heart attack, I said he had heart disease. Which is true. Also, ask a medical professional what they think about Adkins. I've never heard a doctor, nurse, etc. say anything flattering about it. As a matter of fact, when I asked my doctor what she thought about Adkins and other such diets at my appointment yesterday, she said it was "potentially quite dangerous." I think I'll stick to good, old-fashioned healthy habits.

    Seriously? Do you know every doctor and health professional in the country?? That is simply NOT true!! Atkins is a great way of life. But that's exactly what it is. A way of life! Have you read the book?? I doubt it. During induction you bring your carbs very low and then gradually incorporate them back into your food until you figure out how many carbs your body can tolerate without gaining weight. Of course you will gain weight if you start eating the way you did before!

    Atkins is NOT dangerous unless you do it wrong!

    Also Dr Atkins heart disease had NOTHING to do with his diet.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    It apparently affects different people in different ways. After being on Atkins for a year, my very close friend lost a TON of weight. When she went to her annual check up her Cholesterol was off the charts and she had developed high blood pressure. She was told to get off the Atkins and within 6 months her blood pressure was back to regular numbers and her cholesterol had droppped below 200. She made no other changes in anything other than she stopped eating so much red meat/fat/protein and began eating a more healthy diet that included healthy carbs.

    I am not a big fan of diets that revolve around completely eliminating certain food groups. I believe that moderation is one of the keys to good healthy eating habits and when eaten in moderation, even fats are healthy for you if you eat the right kind.
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Atkins is good IF you stick to it forever, unfortunately most folks can't! It's hard to not go over 20 grams of carbs a day. I lost 140 pounds on Atkins 6 years ago but gained it all back plus more when I started eating more carbs. PLUS I ended up having to have 2 surgeries, one to remove all the gallstones (26) from my liver ducts and pancreatic ducts, the other to remove the stone filled gallbladder that was so scarred, it looked like a net. Yes, I lost weight, yes my cholesterol went down, NO, I couldn't never eat another crispy creme or nestles chocolate milk! It's not in my regular diet, but once in awhile... what the hell? I couldn't do that on Atkins so here I am.
    My husband, who also went on the diet with me, almost died from gallstones in his ducts. Especially the pancreatic ones.
    In all fairness, It wasn't the diet, it was when we went OFF the diet that the problems came up. So, in conclusion, this was my experience, hope I helped someone, but in the end, whatever floats your boat and works for you!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I am not a big fan of diets that revolve around completely eliminating certain food groups. I believe that moderation is one of the keys to good healthy eating habits and when eaten in moderation, even fats are healthy for you if you eat the right kind.

    The point is, Atkins doesn't completely eliminate carbs. You eat a lot less of them, true, but you are still getting them from vegetables and fruits. After the first two weeks, you keep adding GOOD carbs back in to your diet until you reach a point where you are still losing weight at a healthy pace. When you've reached your goal, you add in more carbs until you can maintain your weight and that number of carbs becomes your daily target, supposedly forever. For some people it's more than others but it's usually around 100 grams a day.

    The misinformation comes in from people who have "heard it from someone who had a friend...". It really disturbs me that in this day and age of freely and readily available information, people still believe what they hear and see others say instead of checking things out for themselves.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    With my last baby I ate tons of fruit. Couldn't get enough of it. At 8 months pregnant my DR put me on a no carb diet. Not only was my sugar super high in my tests but she said the baby was getting to big to quick for my frame. So yes a DR can put you on such a diet.Guess she was right he popped out 7 pounds 2 weeks early and at the time he was due he'd jumped up to 10 pounds lol.

    I lost a lot of weight from my first kid using Atkins. But like others said it's super hard to do it when your family isn't. I still try to limit my carbs every chance I get though.
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    I am not a big fan of diets that revolve around completely eliminating certain food groups. I believe that moderation is one of the keys to good healthy eating habits and when eaten in moderation, even fats are healthy for you if you eat the right kind.

    The point is, Atkins doesn't completely eliminate carbs. You eat a lot less of them, true, but you are still getting them from vegetables and fruits. After the first two weeks, you keep adding GOOD carbs back in to your diet until you reach a point where you are still losing weight at a healthy pace. When you've reached your goal, you add in more carbs until you can maintain your weight and that number of carbs becomes your daily target, supposedly forever. For some people it's more than others but it's usually around 100 grams a day.

    The misinformation comes in from people who have "heard it from someone who had a friend...". It really disturbs me that in this day and age of freely and readily available information, people still believe what they hear and see others say instead of checking things out for themselves.
    Just for the record, I have and have read every book on the Atkins diet... if anyone wants them, they are welcome to them!
  • DebinAZ
    DebinAZ Posts: 30
    My doctor said it was OK for me to do it. Guess it depends on the doctor.

    Being low carb is kind of a life or death issue for some of us who are teetering on the edge of diabetes.