Hey Y'all!

JezebelGL Posts: 33 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I joined MFP a little over a week ago and loving it so far! I've lost almost 4lbs already and I adore the social aspect of this site!

I'm a former substance abuse counselor, now a SAHM for the time being. I left my position in August to move across the country in support of my hubby's new job. I also had a baby in April of 2010. After I left my job, I stopped losing the baby weight and put a little more back on. :sad: I joined WW in January and lost about 14lbs with that program, but lost interest quickly. I never really connected with the community there, so I was basically going it alone.

My goal is to get down around 125lbs. I was about 120 when I got pregnant with my first, and ballooned up to about 179. I'm at 151 right now, but still have a long journey ahead.

So that's my story (well some of it anyways) and I'm sticking to it! :bigsmile:


  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Good morning! I too enjoy the social aspect of this! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like! :)
  • JezebelGL
    JezebelGL Posts: 33 Member
    Bumpity bump!

    I could use a few new pals! A few of mine have gone inactive. :ohwell:
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 193 Member
    Feel free to add me. I understand all about baby weight; trying to lose mine from having my daugher in December 2009
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