


  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I have my daughters every other week. My oldest runs with me. I've found that I do better on my own. Maybe it's because she's chatty :) or maybe it's just because I see it as ME time. I don't have to think about anyone else or what I need to get done tomorrow or what I didn't get done today. But I've always got everyone following me around too. I love my kids, hubby and furbabies don't get me wrong but I don't get much time where I don't have one of them on top of me. The baby can't help it so he's the exception.

    Now I did recently adopt 2 Boxer puppies and I'm hoping when they get older they can run with me but we will see.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I've never had a jogging/running partner either and I'm not sure I would like one, lol, for a few reasons. The biggest is being I wing it based on what I feel like doing and what I'm feeling up to on any particular day. But the biggest reason is that I view my time out running as "me" time. It's a time where I like to tune the world out and escape into my thoughts, lol.
  • Bristle82
    Bristle82 Posts: 100
    Thanks for all your comments/feedback, you guys rock!

    Did 25 minutes quite quick, very hot out so now need water and a nice juicy apple!!

    was great by myself too :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: