
Okay, my MFP family. It has taken longer than it usually does..but I've fallen into old habits, lost sight of my goals, and given up on working out. I have had a LOT of drama and stress in the last month, there is no way out from under it either. Normally it takes me a few weeks to give up on my "new lifestyle" and myself...this time it took me 6 months. In that 6 months I have lost...18 pounds (was more, but have gained steadily in the last few weeks) and 28.5 inches throughout my entire body. I know I have done SOME good, but right now the bad I am doing is undoing the good I once did.

Point. I'm not sure what I need. I'm not sure if my MFP family can give me what I need. But, I need.....something!


  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    We ALL get sidetracked like this at some point! The important thing is that you have NOT given up yet. You have made incredible progress and you are doing great!

    The only thing I can suggest (this is what I do), is to make a big list of all the reasons you want to get healthy. I have a 2 page list of things that motivate me, I carry it with me EVERYWHERE I go, it's tucked in to my wallet. Most of that list is on my MFP profile, but I left off the more personal/TMI reasons. When I feel like giving up, I just read that list - I want all of those things so badly and I can't stop until I get them! I also have a "goal dress", it's a sexy red size 10 dress I bought at a consignment shop for $7. That dress is very motivating some days :happy:

    Also - taking a "break" every once in a while from counting calories and hard workouts can really help reset your mind and your attitude. We're trying to lose a lot of weight, it's soooo hard for me sometimes to look at how much I have left, it's daunting and troublesome at times. :grumble: So if you need to step back and take a breath, do it, you will be better off in the long run! I try to focus on my mini goals, sometimes it's all I can do to get me to my next weigh-in.

    ((hugs)) So sorry you've had a rough personal life lately! I hate it when life gets in the way of my new lifestyle, lol! But it won't always be so difficult, you're a strong, beautiful, lively woman and you will make it through and conquer your goals, I know it :flowerforyou: