New to MFP


Just thought I would say hello!

I went on a food life style change last year (its not a diet, its changing how we eat after all), and i have lost a stone - very slowly mind!

well, after christmas and during the spring I have been maintaining my weight somewhat, which is good.

But its now time to settle the next 6 pounds of weight! I know it says I only want to lose 6 pounds but i know myself, anything higher then that and I'll give up! (when in reality its more like 1.5 stone I need to lose to be in the "healthy weight area" (damn my height of 5 foot 2). I'm just taking this a pound at a time!

So with the help of a friend at work and hopefully everyone else on here, I'm going finally get below 150 pounds and I WILL get into 140's!


I look forward to slimming with you all! :)



  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    Welcome to the site! This site will keep you on track. Feel free to add me.
  • Hermia76
    Hermia76 Posts: 34
    I know what you mean with the height thing. Being short is not so great for the whole weight thing is it?
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome! You'll find this site very helpful. I'm short too and had a hard time losing weight until I found this site!! Feel free to add me as a friend!! Good luck to you!
  • Bristle82
    Bristle82 Posts: 100
    welcome, i'm new this week too

    Feel free to add me for support xx