??Whey or Hemp??

Whey Protein or Hemp Protein??
I've only had Whey, but it's about time to get more... which is best?

Thanks for your input!


  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    not a fan of dairy....i like the hemp!
  • carolynmittens
    hemp all the way! SO much better for you
  • amygindle
    amygindle Posts: 10
    please explain what these are and what they do.. i've never heard of them and i'd like to know :) Thank you.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    whey is the fastest absorbing so would be better if you take it right after a workout. If you take your protein at any other time there won't be much of a difference.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    please explain what these are and what they do.. i've never heard of them and i'd like to know :) Thank you.

    They are protein powder and help you reach your protein goals. The difference is what the powder is made of.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I read some where that you need animal proteins, milk, meat, etc. to help your body absorb the plant protein powders better. So with whey you dont have to worry about that part. Anyone else know more about this?
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    whey is the fastest absorbing so would be better if you take it right after a workout. If you take your protein at any other time there won't be much of a difference.

    Agreed. I do whey after working out, and add hemp to my AM smoothie to up the nutritional value.
  • carolynmittens
    i want to expound on my comment a little more:

    whey protein is a lot cheaper and a more abundant protein source, but hemp is much easier digested, contains tons of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and all of the known essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce. it also contains the perfect 3:1 balance of essential fatty acids (omega 3 + 6). it reduces inflammation and improves circulation, and contains natural fats and nutrients to maintain balanced cholesterol + blood sugar levels. whey protein is heavily processed and is usually loaded with artificial flavors and sweeteners - it's very affective which is why body builders have sworn by it forever, but if your overall health matters to you more than bulking up, hemp is the healthier, more natural source. growing hemp is also great for the environment :)