Diet Soda

I drink diet soda as my main caffiene source.. probably too much of it but the thing since it has no calories so im assuming its not bad for you as far as weight loss? maybe im wrong.. but Is it allright to have a diet soda or two each day?

I would like to switch to another caffiene source because even though it may not be horrible for your diet it horrible to your health so i hear.. So does anyone have any other good alternative caffiene sources?


  • jillerin457
    Some people swear that diet soda is terrible and will kill you. I tend to take a more moderate approach: it's not as healthy as water, but at least it has no calories. My main concern is that the acid in any soda (diet or regular) destroys my already-weak tooth enamel. I'm trying to cut back, but the fizz is my favorite part, so flavored water just doesn't give me the same fix.

    I've heard some people say that cutting out diet sodas helped them lose weight, but I can't personally attest to that. For me, it's been the opposite, because I used to drink regular, full-sugar Dr Pepper and Mt Dew ALL THE TIME. Switching to diet saved me probably 200-500 calories/day -- a full meal!

    It's ultimately up to you. I don't think a couple of Diet Cokes per day is going to make or break your overall health.
  • ArlVAMom
    ArlVAMom Posts: 42 Member
    I love me some diet Coke and I don't find it affects my weight loss. However, some people find it increases their sweet tooth, so that is something to keep in mind. It is also somewhat dehydrating and it is probably taking the place of water you could be drinking, so just be sure you are getting enough water (that is a huge problem for me, I don't drink enough water when I am drinking my beloved Diet Coke.)

    Here are some other reasons diet soda may not be a good choice:

    For an alternate caffiene source I LOOOOVE tea. Tea is full of antioxidants and other good things! I personally love Green Tea with Mint, and I don't even need sugar with it (obviously having sugar with tea would negate the positive effects, at least for me.) Green tea has also been associated with weight loss, I don't know how scientific that is but I like it and therefore that is a reason enough for me.
  • jillerin457
    The caffeine in tea is not nearly enough to replace what's in soda. The content is lower to begin with, plus tea contains tannins, which help fight cancer (yay!), but also render most of the caffeine ineffective. My parents, both food scientists (one has a PhD) say that decaffeinated tea is a marketing gimmick, as most people's response to "regular" tea is just a placebo effect.

    ETA: I realized I didn't actually offer an alternative. Have you tried energy shots? They're usually 0-15 calories, no carbonation or sugar, and people say they're pretty effective. I've only had the RedBull sugar free version, and it worked well. Lots of people swear by 5 Hour Energy.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    I have been trying to stay away from anything besides water lately. If you use soda for caffeine maybe you should try taking Vitamin B12 in the morning with your breakfast. I take a 1000MG pill every morning. I find that I have way more energy that way than I ever dd with coffee or soda. I started taking B12 last semester and I found I was much more alert in classes. Now with exercising I have even more energy! I would try that maybe for a couple weeks and see how you do. I LOVE Dr. Pepper, but I've been free from that for about a month now. I may treat myself to that when I hit my summer goal weight :)

  • TexasGirl92
    TexasGirl92 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm trying to cut back, but the fizz is my favorite part, so flavored water just doesn't give me the same fix.

    I know this does not help the OP but I know what you mean about the fizz. I was drinking way to many Coke Zeros a day and since sodas are one the few things I have problems doing in moderation (it's all or nothing) I decide to quit drinking them at all. I missed the fizz so I tried the LaCroix Sparkling Water my husband drinks. They were okay but still needed something. Now I drink the Sparkling Water with a little fruit juice (about 2oz) and that help with my craving for fizzy stuff. Right now I'm using ocean spray cranberry pomegranate juice.
  • jillerin457
    That sounds like it would taste pretty good, but I couldn't drink too much since it does have calories and sugar! Maybe I'll try mixing it up a little though.
  • TexasGirl92
    TexasGirl92 Posts: 76 Member
    That sounds like it would taste pretty good, but I couldn't drink too much since it does have calories and sugar! Maybe I'll try mixing it up a little though.

    Yeah that's the one disadvantage. I will drink the sparkling water just by it self or add some True Lemon sometimes but I prefer the juice if you only do 2oz it's 35 calories so not horrible for something so tasty :happy:
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I actually JUST weaned myself off caffeine. I was up to about 5 Mtn Dews a day which is pretty calorie intense.

    I too am a fizz addict. I still have one diet caffeine free pepsi a day. I'll admit I was dragging for probably 3 weeks when I gave up caffeine but my body as finally adjusted and I feel great.

    If it's just a can or two a day I don't think diet cola is a problem. Any more than that and I think it gets are to consume enough water.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    google this:

    Diet soft drinks may raise stroke risk, study suggests

    and this:

    Diet Soda's Effects on Liver Functions