


  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Funny,intelligent,strong,caring,sexy and attractive to me.
    Respectful of my likes as I am with hers.
    Enjoys the outdoors and walks,quiet evenings on a couch as well as wild ones.
    A friend,partner and soul mate that I wouldn`t want to live without.:heart:
  • joshholl
    joshholl Posts: 17
    I'm pretty simple, i just want someone to wake up next to everyday that's there because they love me,and i want them there because i love them. Someone you wake up and smile because they make you that happy.

    now that the mushy parts out of the way

    I'd like someone that has kids or is willing to adopt or something else,
    Want them to be able to put up with my sometimes crazy hyper moods
    and i want someone to go on adventures from hiking to anything else.

    Oh, and to put up with my family, he'll have to be hella patient
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    HE CAN SPELL. this is of utmost importance. if your grammar, vocabular and spelling skills are anywhere shy of at least third grade, please move on. i don't care if your punctuation or capitalization sucks, or if you toss in the occasional "lol" or "wtf", but by george if you can't spell common words... just stop. please.
    he loves music, preferably is a musician
    maybe a teensy bit arrogant
    sarcastic and hilarious
    *doesn't* want children
    loves large dogs/hates cats
    taller than I
    earns more than I
    cares about his health/fitness
    kind of adores me
    ridiculously high sex drive

    I'm pretty sure he doesn't exist, but i'm perfectly happy living and enjoying life alone. :) (btw my "guidelines" are not necessarily in order of importance...) thought that was worth mentioning...
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    Someone who's grown up and responsible (ie: has a job) but still has a little kid in him that likes to have fun :happy:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    he loves music, preferably is a musician
    maybe a teensy bit arrogant
    sarcastic and hilarious
    *doesn't* want children
    loves large dogs/hates cats
    taller than I
    earns more than I
    cares about his health/fitness
    kind of adores me

    I'm pretty sure he doesn't exist, but i'm perfectly happy living and enjoying life alone. :)

    :laugh: Besides height, salary, and intelligence we have the complete opposite taste (like literally, I even avoid musicians). We should let each other know when we meet the complete opposite of what we go for. :wink:
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    he loves music, preferably is a musician
    maybe a teensy bit arrogant
    sarcastic and hilarious
    *doesn't* want children
    loves large dogs/hates cats
    taller than I
    earns more than I
    cares about his health/fitness
    kind of adores me

    :laugh: Besides height, salary, and intelligence we have the complete opposite taste (like literally, I even avoid musicians). We should let each other know when we meet the complete opposite of what we go for. :wink:

    I have met quite a few that I could send your way lol. We usually part ways at the kids thing. Didn't think it'd be that hard to find a man who doesn't care either way, but apparently that's a big deal.
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    Someone sarcastic, witty, smart, empathic, good looking, outdoorsy, interested in having a kid or two at some point in the next 5-10 years, strongly left-wing and unconventional, weird and nerdy, high sex drive and substantially freaky, also caring and affectionate and deeply spiritual, resourceful and creative but not so whimsical that she's unreliable, and yet still down to party, maybe smoke some weed from time to time or take hallucinogens for spiritual purposes. Preferably with a number of overlapping interests and goals. And if we're making laundry lists of what we want, I'd also like a nearly psychic connection, like we understand each other so implicitly and deeply that it's almost creepy. I also especially like musicians and artists, and it probably wouldn't work super great if she's strongly allergic to cats.
  • GrampsWooha
    GrampsWooha Posts: 184
    big boobies and has a degree in astronomy
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    My future spouse much take care of herself, and keep herself in shape. She must be honest, truthful. And she must love to have sex, just about anytime, and just about anywhere!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Someone who is self sufficient. I am not your mother. That is the utmost important thing.

    Looks matter, but not as much as they used to.

    Someone who doesn't constantly complain. Everyone has problems, you're not the only one. If it's your mission in life to constantly complain and make everyone around you miserable, please stay away.

    Someone who is reciprical. I'd like to not be the only one giving please. I do not expect or even want gifts, but again, relationships are 2 sided.

    Someone who cares about animals. Not someone who doesn't like dogs or doesn't like cats. Cruelty or even indifference to animals is not okay. I have pets, I put them above myself. Meaning, I will not put you above them.

    Someone with at least similar interests musicwise. Is that a word?

    Intelligence, this is the second most important thing. I want someone who can challenge me mentally. Lesser intelligence bores me.

    If you think you can talk down to me or belittle me, that's not going to work.

    I'm actually a little bitter right now. This is turning into more of a "what don't you want?" post.

    Sarcasm, not just puns. This person should have a sense of humor. Sarcasm is sexy.

    Must not wear ugly shoes. I've got this weird thing about shoes, always have. If someone I might normally be attracted to is wearing ugly shoes, I'm suddenly not attracted anymore.

    There's more, and most of them are shallow. But these are my priorities right now.