
Im 5'2 currently 135 lbs & my goal weight is 115lbs. I need a lot of support! Its not easy for me to lay off the junk food & eat healthy and all but im really trying my hardest! Lol my thighs are getting too bigg & I am the hourglass shape, small up top & wide at the bottom. Im starting to get cellulite on my thighs and ahhh! Drives me nuts. I just need a lot of support & advice of things to do. Id like hearing your stories, if you've lost weight . Thank yousss !


  • Indy_mom
    Indy_mom Posts: 15
    A lot of what you wrote sounds very familiar! I'm 5'4 but started off at 135 when I originally joined MFP. I've logged in for 30 days as of today and am down to 123lbs!! I am also very small on top and wide on the bottom. My thighs are soo much smaller now! My goal weight on here is 120lbs, but I will probably move it down to 115 once I hit it. It really does work if you stick with it. And remember you don't have to give up everything you love, just portion it. I eat chocolate every day and still make my goal. I just make sure I enter everything in, even if it's half a cookie. If I eat more in the daytime then I know I better get my butt to the gym, go for a walk or eat a light dinner to meet my daily goal. Now that i'm seeing results, i'm really addicted to it.

    You are more than welcome to add me, I log in every day and will be sure to provide some positive support :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    HI welcome sounds like you are pear shape like me, not hour glass. You just described so many of us out there so don't worry you are not alone. :)