Deja Vu

big_guy Posts: 8
edited November 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Yeah, I've been here before. In fact, one time in my life -- about 15 years ago -- I actually climbed a little further up the scale before determining to drop the equivalent of a prepubescent child from my waist. Then again, I'm just now beginning a diet I swore I would start 30 pounds ago which makes for a depressing first few weeks while looking at a (hopefully) lower number each week that is still higher than what I considered to be "fat" several months ago.

Then there's the issue of motivation. How many of the introductions on these boards are from people who no longer use this site? Will I be one of the slackers who commits to losing weight until the first slice of pie or pint of beer is passed in front of my eyes? Time will tell, but I know that I need to lose at least 60 pounds if I want to be in any semblance of "healthy", never mind that charts and BMI indicators claim I should be at a weight equivalent to what I last recall seeing at the ripe old age of 12 (180 pounds)! I'll take <210 any day and then think about a new goal at that point.

I used to tell people who said they'd lost weight that I was the unlucky person who found it for them. I have this theory that the Earth must maintain a constant mass to remain in its orbit and that if several thousand people lose weight, there must be several thousand others putting it on to keep us from careening into Mars. I think it's time someone else took on additional weight to keep our planet spinning contentedly on its axis!

I find that most of my local "fat" buddies are never as committed as I to losing weight which leads to me losing my commitment as well. If anyone is looking for an accountability partner and is willing to share the responsibility of keeping the other guy on target when his motivation is low (whether it be from a day giving into temptation or a successful week with a weight gain), I'd love to hear from you. Perhaps together we can put this deja vu behind us once and for all.


  • big_guy
    big_guy Posts: 8
    Yeah, I've been here before. In fact, one time in my life -- about 15 years ago -- I actually climbed a little further up the scale before determining to drop the equivalent of a prepubescent child from my waist. Then again, I'm just now beginning a diet I swore I would start 30 pounds ago which makes for a depressing first few weeks while looking at a (hopefully) lower number each week that is still higher than what I considered to be "fat" several months ago.

    Then there's the issue of motivation. How many of the introductions on these boards are from people who no longer use this site? Will I be one of the slackers who commits to losing weight until the first slice of pie or pint of beer is passed in front of my eyes? Time will tell, but I know that I need to lose at least 60 pounds if I want to be in any semblance of "healthy", never mind that charts and BMI indicators claim I should be at a weight equivalent to what I last recall seeing at the ripe old age of 12 (180 pounds)! I'll take <210 any day and then think about a new goal at that point.

    I used to tell people who said they'd lost weight that I was the unlucky person who found it for them. I have this theory that the Earth must maintain a constant mass to remain in its orbit and that if several thousand people lose weight, there must be several thousand others putting it on to keep us from careening into Mars. I think it's time someone else took on additional weight to keep our planet spinning contentedly on its axis!

    I find that most of my local "fat" buddies are never as committed as I to losing weight which leads to me losing my commitment as well. If anyone is looking for an accountability partner and is willing to share the responsibility of keeping the other guy on target when his motivation is low (whether it be from a day giving into temptation or a successful week with a weight gain), I'd love to hear from you. Perhaps together we can put this deja vu behind us once and for all.
  • big_guy
    big_guy Posts: 8
    Well, DAY 2 and I'm still visiting the website! The likely reason is that I had a good day yesterday. I don't know if the website is responsible in any small way for that or not.

    I managed to meet my daily goals yesterday which are both going to be hard habits to break over the long haul. I hiked at a nearby park for one hour and did not eat anything after 8 PM. Both of those actions are going to be keys to my success I'm certain. Hopefully I'll be able to deliver the same report tomorrow morning!

    In addition to those two goals, I am also convinced (due in part to low carb propaganda) that watching my processed sugar and flour intake is crucial to success. I have been successful in the past on low carb diets, but find that they are not realistic for long term weight loss as the sacrifice is too great over a long period of time, especially when trying to live in the real world around other people who are not carb conscious. However, limiting my carbs to whole grains, fruits and vegetables is important. (Notice I said "limiting" -- it doesn't mean I fail if I have a few from time to time!) I genuinely believe I am a carb-o-holic, and when I ingest the slightest bit of white flour or sugar, my body demands more; a desire I have a hard time avoiding when I allow myself that first bite.

    Did I overlook a journal option on this site? I'm posting here for my own benefit, but if it helps someone else then all the better. If a personal diary is an option, and everyone else would prefer not to read the ramblings of a fat man, then please let me know how to find it.

    Will I be back for a DAY 3? Time will tell...
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