Struggling! Friends please :)

Helloooo up until recently I've been doing really well with what I eat etc, but recently my motivation started to slip :(. This alwaaays happens when I try to lose weight, but this is my first time on MFP so I've never had any support! So basically would love some new friends who are also struggling a bit and we can help each other! Thanks :)


  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I do well for a few weeks, but I have a problem maintaining. I like to overindulge.:smile: I want to break these old habits.
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm a struggler too:S
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    You can it!!! Just take one day at a time!!!
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    I'm new here. I'm going to add you. I have the same problem as you and always loose my motivation. But I promissed myself this time will be differente. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • bombus
    bombus Posts: 44 Member
    I find I go through phases with this; but am keeping myself motivated by being more active - both on MFP and outdoors. Slow and steady wins the race.
    Hang in there ladies you can do it!
    Add me as a friend if you like, we can support each other.
    Good luck
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    same thing always happens to me! count me in for support :smile:
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    It really is a day by day struggle. I have lost many many times (sometimes maintaining for a long period other times not so long lol) this is the longest ive stuck with it and best Ive lost. Having people support & encourage you as well as finding what works for YOU not necessarily everyone else is what Ive learned
  • biminij99
    biminij99 Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. :wink:
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    thanks so much everyone! hopefully this is just a phase, i've never kept going for so long!
  • Jjames1978
    Jjames1978 Posts: 39 Member
    You know, you need to look at is as not a diet but as a new way of life. Think of it as correcting the habits that society has mistakenly taught you through deviant marketing techniques. It is almost like big tobacco but it is The Supersize Mafia instead! There are always going to be slip ups, the key is to stop them immediately and don't dwell on it, the dwelling will cause you to start to think that your too weak and the old "I already screwed up I might as well make it worth it". Sometimes being to aggressive in your weight lose may push you to binge also. It needs to be somewhat easy otherwise you won't stick to it. You can add me but I am more of a butt chewer than a sympathizer so be forewarned!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i am plateauing at the moment due to my food not being entirely under control. i'm eating ok, but just on the brink of eating a little bit too much, it's winter in Australia and I am always wanting to eat at night....

    I'm hanging on by a tiny thread and not losing, but not gaining, or losing little amounts like 100g.

    i need to just hang in there through the winter and hope that consistency in exercise and consistency in not binging and over indulging will pay off an eventually get me out of the plateau.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Hey there,
    If you need a friend, I can be your friend. Been on here 36 days or so and lost some weight but also started with absolutly no motivation. A friend of mine had stated that she was gonna get into shape because if she didn't she never would. I am 30 and she is a little older so it really pushed and challenged me to find some motivation. I know that personally, once I get started I find it easier to be in competition with myself if that doesn't sound too wierd. I have been working out as basically a hobby on and of since I was about 12, (starting in elementary school with jr bloomsday, a spokane based competative run of about 7 miles).
    So anyways here are some general rules I keep tabs on that I have picked up during my experience, they have helped me to loose weight.

    1. Change it up,
    No matter how your routine is change it up when you hit a plateau, unable to se a change in your body or weight. Sometimes our inches change when our weight doesn't. You can do this with exercise or with diet. Sometimes it is as simple

    2. Never eat after 8 pm,
    I have found that if I eat even 1 tiny piece of chocolate after 8 pm, My body retains it. So I only drink water at night. If you have to, eat something like a small salad with 1/2 a tablespoon of light dressing that you actually mix in before you eat so it doesn't just sit on top as a blob.

    3.Eat nuts,
    When I was starving one day and I didn't want to binge on unhealthy snacks I ate a handfull of dry roasted unsalted peanuts and I didn't gain weight! It is the super miracle food, and good for you.

    4. Skip the soda,
    I try to skip soda at all costs, I allow 1, 12oz diet pepsi at dinner and that is all. I used to be a 2 liter a day soda drinker and it absolutly pained me to quit drinking, but when I did the weight just melted off.

    5. I keep the suger low,
    I make sure that when I eat there is a daily deficit of suger in my diet because there is a TON of hidden suger out there. Food is not an enemy but this website is great because it makes yo aware of what you are putting into your body.

    6. Cheat,
    That is Right, I said cheat!!! Find healthy alternatives to what you crave. I used to add just a little bit of juice to my water to make it taste better because I didn't like the taste of it. When I craved sweet I forced myself to eat a piece of fruit and I was shocked when it actually worked to stave off my sweet tooth.

    7. Cheese and turkey are your friends.
    It is great as a protein and somehow unlike milk it has none of the sugar! Make sure it is low cal and 2%. I have found pre shredded mexican blend personally to be the best choies. Hormel Turkey pepperoni and Kroger Turkey Bacon, 65% less fat have added seriously awesome flavor to sandwiches along with Orowheat sandwich thins. And as a family of 5, me being the only one eating these things, I have been able to strech them out as well as it is not extremely expensive.

    I'll leave you with this and if you have any more questions I would be happy to help.
    Best of luck, and may the dilligence of your efforts be fruitful.
  • jody0912
    jody0912 Posts: 33
    I'm new here and don't really know how to add friends, but I totally get the lack of continued motivation. Every few months I "turn over a new leaf" and eat better, exercise, and believe this time I'll stick to it. And every time around week 2 or 3, somehow I lose track. I love eating out, I love drinking beer with friends, and I'm the only one in my circle trying to lose weight. It's difficult to stay mindful in the moment I guess.

    This time I want it to be different. I recently got engaged and refuse to live in this body anymore! I'd love to get in on the support :)
    I've joined a new gym, signed up for free personal training (thank god for the YMCA) and am measuring my food. Just joined MFP!
    Feel free to add me - I'll work on figuring out what that means!
  • ellehcar83
    ellehcar83 Posts: 13
    I just posted something about this last night that I'm an example of what not to do. 3 weeks straight, lost 7 pounds and now it's been weeks inbetween and I've gained most of it back. :( I need to have like a daily check in system. Add me if you'd like to try that for motivation. Good luck!