My Arms

They are ... wiggly. :D .... What sort of exercises will make underarms tighten up? Any ideas/comments/personal experiences? I need all the help I can get! :D


  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    Do you lift weights? I'd start there. Tricep extensions. Curls. close hand push ups (or bench press) . bar dips. generally working them out. Other than that, they'll go away as you lose weight.
  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    Hmmm, maybe you can try swimming (that involves a lot of pulling of water which can tighten them up. Or push ups. Oooor what I used to do when I had P.E. was, wave your arms in a circular motion 100 times forward, then reverse 100 times. :))
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Hehehehe do you think those arm circles work? I would do that... and pushups ... wow I did like 4 min of that two days ago and my arms are still hurting - I know its not a lot, but I haven't done pushups in a long time D;
