Not hungry?

Lately, I have been eating 300 cal lunches and it's 6:20 and I still haven't eaten much, I am not hungry! I am always like this! What can I do!? Thanks :( I have 2000 or so cals left to eat, and I can'y seem to do it!


  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    First of all, you're not supposed to FEEL hunger. That's why you're supposed to eat lightly every few hours. My suggestion to you is if you're just not hungry around dinner...try eating a bigger breakfast and lunch. You need to eat a certain amount of calories a day.
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    You could be exercising too much. Are you also having trouble sleeping at night?
  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    You could be exercising too much. Are you also having trouble sleeping at night?

    Yes, but I usually never exercise (except for today)
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I go through this a lot. I always have unless I'm pregnant and that better not ever happen again. I had a few people here suggest eating something light like cereal or some small cheese wedges and crackers. This has really worked for me as far as getting calories in. I love the Kashi cereals and Vanilla almond milk and eat it a lot.