c25k: move to week 2, or repeat a week

I started c25k even though I was afraid I was too fat to run. I use a heart rate monitor to record my workout, and calculate the burned calories. Last week it was up there pretty high, and this week I notice a huge drop in my heart rate while I am running. So good, it is working :). Unfortunately, I have developed a little bit of knee pain and my plantar fascitis has flaired up. I actually feel ok once I get warmed up and started though. I am just not sure if I should move to week 2 yet because of this. My heart muscle is ready, my legs and feet not so much. What would you do? BTW - I am also now getting about 70 calories less burned per workout than I was last week due to my HR decreasing. Major bummer.


  • MMAsac
    MMAsac Posts: 191
    redo the week 1 or maybe take the whole week off, its not worth pushing for hte injuries your talking about. Plus shin splints can start, and they all will set you back months, not weeks!
  • gettingstronger
    I repeated the first 3 weeks of the program at least once. The beginning is the hardest because you are teaching your whole body endurance. Remember that jogging speed IS running and that running is NOT sprinting. Go easy on yourself and listen to your body. You'll know when you need to push yourself a bit harder. You can do this!! If I can do this anyone can (currently on week 6)!!
  • gettingstronger
    OH! And remember to stretch your injuries before and after each exercise. And ice. It makes a huge difference.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Unless you have planned to do a 5km run in the near future. I would take it easy. I did week one for about 3 weeks and havent done it now for a couple of weeks but will go back to it. But building up slowly. I also have plantar fascitis so know what it feels like. I don't want to go backwards. I mix up my exercise, so as to not put to much pressure on it. Stationary bike and aqua aerobics always give it a good break but keep me moving. It is a nice feeling trying to ru again, not easy at 51 and have just got under 100kgs.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Repeat it! Best to go slowly and avoid injury which will keep you from running altogether. Make sure you stretch too. VERY important.