Daily check in

The first three weeks on here I couldn't stop bragging about this website. I was on here constantly, writing down in my food journal after each and every item consumed. After week three it just went downhill and day by day I stopped checking in and writing things down. Now my weight is almost back up right where I started, which is just unacceptable. Occasionally I'll get a message, "where have you been?" and that gets me back on track for a few days but then I lagg off again.

I am wondering if any of you need daily messaging and checking in as well. I'm hoping that it will help stay in control and stay consistant. If you're interested either add me as a friend or reply and I would love to try and help you stay motivated and get healthy as well.

Good luck everyone!!


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I find that daily check-ins keep me accountable. If someone is watching and I'm logging my food, I stay on track and do not stray. I am to a point now that I know I can stop logging and do okay. My lifestyle has completely changed after a year and a half and I'm nearly to my goal. But I still log everything daily since joining MFP. If I don't log in, I'm at least logging in my written food journal.