I Need Protein Shakes/Powder Advice.

I do not know much about protein shakes or protein powders. I was wondering if they would help me achieve flat abs/get rid of belly fat, but at the same time i'm not trying to lose a lot of weight. I'm a 20 year old female, i'm 5'1, and I weigh 109 pounds. I do cardio and strength train 3 days a week, and I do yoga 3 days a week. Would protein shakes/powders help me in the department, or should I just stick to my workout routine? Also, what kind of protein supplements would you recommend? Thanks so much! All input is appreciated. Also, feel free to add me as a friend, i'm fairly new to MFP.


  • hopewalker
    Try Protizyme Protein Shakes. They have 23 grams of protein and taste great and they work well with a 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat diet. Good job on your exercise routine! I do circuit training 4 times a week and yoga 3 times a week and love it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The protein shake itself is going to give you flat abs, a very clean, high protein diet will give you flat abs. But essentially, yeah. I use Clif Builder bars. 20g of whey & soy protein, 270 calories and delicious flavors.
  • ChristyVerness
    ChristyVerness Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds like you're doing awesome! Keep it up! So important that you're including strength training, too! Muscle helps to keep your metabolism high! I think a protein shake is a good idea! My hubby & I drink a meal replacement shake every morning: protein, 50% daily calcium, vitamins, probiotics, iron, etc all rolled into one delicious glass of goodness! Let me know if you want specific suggestions!

    Keep up the good work!