
I need to lose the last 4 lbs but my sweet tooth keeps beating me :( Help pleasseeeeeeeee


  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    What are you eating when you get the cravings? Can you cut down to smaller portions or are you already at that point, KWIM?

    I have the sweet tooth from hell. I've had to make the change to eat something small, but really worth it.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    BLUEBERRIES! I really like doing apples and peanut butter too. Fiber fills you up, and it will help get over your sweet tooth. Or... Drink water. Lots of water. :)
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I had the worst sweet tooth in the world a month or so ago, when I got into this habit of not eating. I would literally spend HOURS a day looking at sweets and drooling over them and imagining what they would taste like or feel like in my mouth. I was losing it, I swear. I had these compulsions to eat entire cakes, jars of icing, pans of brownies, buckets of ice-cream, etc. Now, that I'm eating more and getting back on track with healthy weight loss, I find that my sweet tooth has been tamed. I still like my chocolate and whatnot, but I'm no obsessing and it's not ruining my progress or mental health anymore...

    My point is... Are you eating enough?