chocolate and sweets



  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    buy some organic cocoa nibs. they are not as sweet as sugar, but i like them like that. for my kids i mix them in a little container with dried fruit such as chopped dried plums and dried blueberries.
    Here is a link on cocoa nibs. there are also some recipe's....... have not tried them as yet.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I was having the same issue with chocolate. I keep Hershey's kisses in my desk so I can have a small serving of chocolate. But my total intake of Hershey's kisses by the end of the day would end up around 9 kisses or 200 calories.

    I also was looking at my vitamin and mineral input and noticed I was really short on Magnesium. High doses of Magnesium are in green vegetables and I'll admit it I don't eat enough of those. There's also some Magnesium in chocolate. I added a Magnesium supplement to my day (I'm working on increasing the vegatable count, but I'm a selective eater and it takes me time to add foods to my diet) and the chocolate cravings have gone way down. Turns out there's a little Magnesium in chocolate. Now I just have 2 kisses a day because I still enjoy the taste, but I'm eating them by plan and not by craving.

    If you do decide to try a Magnesium supplement make sure it's not Magnesium (Oxide). I made that mistake and wasted $13.
    Take the chelated form of magnesium, such as magnesium citrate, glycinate or malate. This form is absorbed best by your body.
  • shelly8625
    WOW so many reponses in so little time! Thank you all so much! Theres so many good and helpful responses.. This place does have alot of support!