Pay for a gym with classes or do the one I have for free?

Hey all! I'm just coming to you guys with advice about if I should pay for a gym membership or not.

I got to a small private university that has a fairly adequate work out facility. It consists of 3 treadmills, 3 ellipticals, 1 stationary bike, free weights, and a few weight lifting machines. It also has a mirrored room with mats, resistances bands, balance balls and a television with a dvd/vcr player. It is open from 8 am - 12 am and is free with my full time enrollment (plus I live on campus, so it's nearby) The only hassle is during the school year the gym tends to be fairly full and I don't necessarily get my first choice of machine. Plus, it is almost a given that I would have to wait to do a work out DVD. I also sometimes get bored just doing a machine, I'm not good with monotony.

I've been toying around with the idea of joining the local YMCA, there are 4 in the city I live in. It would cost me $25/ month or $288 for a year if I paid in full. I like the idea that it has classes and lots of options. I could take zumba, yoga, spinning, or a water aerobics class. I also like that it has a swimming pool (something my school does not have) The hours seem good (5am-10pm M-F). I'm just hesitant to spend the money and end up not using it. I often have the habit of buying memberships and kind of forgetting about them. Also I have weird class times. Some days I have a 5:30 am clinical and other days I have a lab until 9pm. So getting into a routine, which would make me more likely to keep up with it, would be difficult.

What would you guys do?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I would say do your best with what you have now... look up exercise moves online to create a few routines you can alternate. Once you get bored and unmotivated, if you have to, get the YMCA membership so the classes give you variety and new excitement to your workouts.
  • hoosiermama_78
    Save you money, work out at home, when you lose the weight take the money you would have spent on the gym and buy yourself some cute outfits.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Why not take a fitness class each semester? My university offers everything from yoga to zumba to weightlifting to scuba diving. Great way to learn something and get in shape, and great accountability to get yourself there.
  • cowpacino
    cowpacino Posts: 77 Member
    most of my exercises involve using either a flat bench for bench press, a squat rack, and a pool, If I could get that for free, I'd take it, but if I couldn't, I'd pay for a gym.
    It seems to me like what you most need is time, you go to school and participate in clubs according to your profile, and the last thing you need is to wait around the gym wasting time until something opens up. I'd shell out the extra cash for a membership.
  • BSN2Be
    BSN2Be Posts: 23
    Why not take a fitness class each semester? My university offers everything from yoga to zumba to weightlifting to scuba diving. Great way to learn something and get in shape, and great accountability to get yourself there.

    We don't have classes at school. It's kinda sad :( I wish we were bigger like the state school and then we would maybe have those amenities.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    I'm definately in the save your money camp :) Probably becuase hubby paid for my gym membership for 2 years and I kept saying I would go and didnt.. I work out at home now. Saves money and travel time and being all acceptable looking before I go..LOL..
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Why not take a fitness class each semester? My university offers everything from yoga to zumba to weightlifting to scuba diving. Great way to learn something and get in shape, and great accountability to get yourself there.

    I was going to suggest this, too. I took a gymnastics class one semester and a tennis class another and had a blast with both. Since you're full time anyway, it won't cost you anything extra, you'll be working out on a set schedule and there shouldn't be much "busy" work in addition to the class time to add to your regular course load.
  • jgrice
    jgrice Posts: 22 Member
    I know it sounds corny and cheesy but do what makes you happy just do something. If you can afford it then why not do a gym for a while? It's fun and new to try the classes. When they get old move onto something else. Just resolve that no matter what you will do something.

    So far I've walked, jogged, swam, snorkeled, cycled, been a gym rat, and done P90X. The change up and breaking the routine is what allowed me to stay motivated. To each his on though.