
Hi there! I'm Katie, 19 years old and from Yorkshire, England. I thought I'd introduce myself on myfitnesspal :)

I've been a member on here since the summer of last year, and to be honest wasn't even aware of the whole "community" side of the site - I've been tracking my progress through the iPhone app and said feature isn't available via that source.

Anyway since last year I've lost a total of 21lbs, been a bit of a slow process but I'm getting there.

I don't quite know what to say other than "hello", reply if you will and long live the weight loss! X

Edit: I have been a member on THIS account since December, but used a previous account before, just to clarify :)


  • FionaK1990

    My names Fiona and I started just over 2 weeks ago. I never really took a serious stab at dieting but this site is giving the motivation to do it and do it properly. It makes it so much easier to plan your meals for day knowing how much calories you have left for the day, it's great!

    Just wondering out of experience with this site does anyone know are you supposed to reach the amount of fat in a day allocated to you? I know there are some fats that are good for you and you need them for fat soluble vitamins but on good calorie / carb days I'm nowhere near the target for fat. I don't exactly want to up my fat intake. is that just a guideline maximum?