Cravings need to R.I.P.

msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning Everyone! So this is day 3 of my healthy eating journey, and last night I went to bed early to avoid eating more. I wasnt really hungry, but I really wanted a cracker or pretzel or cereal....just something with that "crunch" feeling. Don't get me wrong, I am focused and maintaining calorie intake, but the first few days are the hardest...I can't wait til week 2, when these craving will disappear. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Please &Thank u!


  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    as corny as it sounds.. im a "crunch" girl too... celery and carrots do the trick for me.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    definitely celery. I love crunching! Celery with low fat cheese spread or hummus. That's why I lke to put raw onion in everything, give it that tangy crunch!
  • lovinart
    lovinart Posts: 7
    When I want some kind of chewing motion, I will massage my jaw, drink a glass of water and it helps a little with the wanting to chew something. I think sometimes the muscles get tight and it feeds into that "wanting to chew" mentality. I dunno.. works for me.. may not for you :)
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    6 months in and I am still waiting for cravings to disappear!!!! They have gotten less and less, but I still get them. I allow myself to have a little of the craving (mine are chocolate, sweet and salty, and ice cream) I but the 100 cal snack packs so I satisfy the craving but keep teh cals low. For me, I have found over the years that if I "diet" and not ave the cravings, I get to a point where I am miserable and then binge on them and feel worse afterwards, but the craving is gone. I've never had a huge weight problem and allowing myself the little cheats as needed has worked well for me.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Go ahead and eat the one pretzel or a handful of cereal.. it won't entirely kill your calorie intake I'm sure.

    I like apples and peanut butter... theres a good crunch factor there.
  • MelissaG36
    MelissaG36 Posts: 38
    I am a big time snacker at night, always have been, always will be. I reserve calories for a snack at night & it works :O)
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    I'm on day 15 right now. After a couple of days it just got better and better. I ate some carrots and rice cakes. I usually save my snacks toward the evening since i love eating at night.
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I never thought of celery, but I can see it doin the trick. Thanks a bunch. And with the dip sounds even tastier...yum!
  • kiawya
    kiawya Posts: 73
    Cravings dont dissapear. Sucks, but true. I try to hold back some carlories to have a small bowl of cheerios before bed, it helps you sleep. The best way for me to beat the cravings are mints.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I do better with a protein when I have a craving. Seems to curb it.. a hard boiled egg.. couple bites of tuna..
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    6 months in and I am still waiting for cravings to disappear!!!! They have gotten less and less, but I still get them. I allow myself to have a little of the craving (mine are chocolate, sweet and salty, and ice cream) I but the 100 cal snack packs so I satisfy the craving but keep teh cals low. For me, I have found over the years that if I "diet" and not ave the cravings, I get to a point where I am miserable and then binge on them and feel worse afterwards, but the craving is gone. I've never had a huge weight problem and allowing myself the little cheats as needed has worked well for me.

    I can relate. I have been dieting on and off for yrs, and what I too have noticed is that if I don't satisfy cravings, I will binge.
    But, the problem now is that I am at the start of my new diet plan, and I dont wanna fall short. I don't think I have developed the WILLPOWER to eat just one pack...cause those 100 cal packs goes pretty fast :)
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    Rice cakes (caramel-flavoured) and cereal (usually Special K or All-Bran Original) with cocoa powder are my craving-busters!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    this sounds SUPER weird, but when i have those nights where all i want to do is snack, i make a list in my head of things i COULD HAVE eaten, but didn', hamburgers, tacos, french fries, etc..i make a long list, and some strange way, it tricks my mind into thinking i DID eat that stuff, and i am not hungry of luck, and try to eat healthy, like carrots of the cravings strike..:drinker:
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I do better with a protein when I have a craving. Seems to curb it.. a hard boiled egg.. couple bites of tuna..

    Yes, I have been trying whey protein...maybe I'll try protein bars to satisfy the "crunch" feeling! Thanks
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