Best Jumpstart Diets?

msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I have tried just about every diet in the past, some successful and some not so successful. The problem is I get bored sometimes. I NEED A CHALLENGE!!! I keep hearing about this 17 day diet, but can anyone suggest a good jumpstart plan?
Oh FYI...exercise is on problems there!


  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    When I decided to start losing pounds and gaining fitness (started back in Feb), I did a 5-day kick-start to get all the processed junk and refined sugars out of my system. It's from the Cinch diet book (Cynthia Sass), and basically limits your intake to 5 foods for the 5 days, eating 5 times a day, starting within 1 hour after waking up and eating every 3-5 hours after that.

    It's nothing too drastic, you get all your nutrients and protien and such, and you don't end up starving yourself. I will say I was really tired of raspberries by the end of it though! ;) BUT, it's only 5 days, so it's not hard to get through.

    At the end, I felt a lot better and didn't crave any junk foods - have been eating clean since. I lost about 10 pounds in the 5 days, but most of that would have been water weight, as I wasn't drinking a lot before that.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I don't really like diets I never stuck with them. When I decided to make a lifestyle change and just start eating right It stuck, now I don't gain and lose and gain and lose because I am always on and off a diet. Best non Diet I've ever done!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks Everyone!!!
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