Where am I going wrong?



  • christinaincamo
    In my opinion, too much sugar (fruit) and processed food. I think of fruit as dessert.

    You may want to pay more attention to your sugar and carb intake rather than fat. A low fat diet made me fatter and now I am working to replenish amino acids and nutrients. Loosing slowly but I feel so much better.

    Good luck!

    Ok, I see that I am always going over my sugars but it's mainly through fruit. I thought fruit was good for you? lol
    What should I be eating instead?

    Fruit is ok in moderate amounts. It's best to focus on high protein first and foremost. Just remember that sugar is sugar in your system, whether it comes from fructose, sucrose, or even carbs. Our bodies are designed to process 1 tsp of sugar at a time, that only 4 carbs! What our bodies can't process, it STORES.

    Check your labels and do a little math:
    =total grams of sugar

    Divide that number by 4 and that is the number of teaspoons that food will put in your body at one time.

    I truly believe that is why I have become insulin resistant, I have overloaded my system with sugars.