new here, I think support is what I need!

JoRebecca Posts: 10 Member
Hi! I've just joined ~ I have always dieted by myself, not wanting others to know my business, (really because if I failed, no one would know it!) but, I think support is what I need to really accomplish this HUGE goal! Send me tips if you've discovered some! Thanks for being there! :wink:


  • KaylaShianne
    I always did the same thing (I'm young but I've been dieting since 6th grade sadly).
    I'm new too but so far this site has really made me accountable for what I eat. Everyone is so supportive and just knowing that everyone can see my progress has really been a motivator to not mess up!!!!
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    You will LOVE this site....I just sent you a friend request!
  • jody0912
    jody0912 Posts: 33
    hi there - me too!
    I finally realized there's no reason to hide I'm on a diet if I'm overweight - it just means I'm doing something to make myself healthier. I do struggle with embarrassment though. that's why I think this site is so wonderful - everyone is looking for the same thing - non-judgmental support.
    feel free to add me!
  • TriumphantLife
    TriumphantLife Posts: 56 Member
  • jessbennett1986
    Welcome! This site is an awesome tool to help keep you motivated, plus you make friends!
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    Welcome to the site. anyone here, feel free to add me.
  • mrsmichellewilson
    mrsmichellewilson Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome.....I'm a newbie too! I love love love this website. I have logged on to many different weightloss sites and MFP is the best one I have found. Good Luck . Please add me as a friend.