Cooking myself thin day 3

This morning I made a batch of my soup. It fills me up and gives me vitamins without the fat and salt of canned soup. It is easy to make a big pot because I use some frozen vegetables and prechopped dried vegetables and spices.

Veggie Soup

In a big pot simmer:
1 entire bunch of celery washed and chopped (including the leaves)
1 bulb of fennel chopped (also known as anise- it is good for digestion)
2 cups of salsa
Water to cover the celery and fennel

Add some spices you like:
Some dehydrated chopped onions
Some dehydrated minced garlic
Some ground pepper
Some dried basil
Some paprika to turn the soup the color red you find appealing

Add some rehydrated beans if you want or drained canned beans but this adds salt.
Add some TVP (textured vegetable protien) if you want

Simmer the pot until the celery and fennel are cooked.

Turn off the stove and add a bag or 2 of frozen vegetables. I use the beans, carrots, peas and corn mix. This will help cool the soup down.

This makes around 24 cups of soup. After it is cool I store it in the refrigerator and we eat it all week. If it is more than we plan on eating it freezes well also.



  • Disinte_GratioN
    Love the soup diet! Send me a bowl!
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    Cant wait to give this a try!
  • Blondie007wi
    Blondie007wi Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Disinte (did I get that right?)
    This recipe is so simple I know you can make it. Just shop...chop..and boil! Keep cooking! :wink: Linda
  • Blondie007wi
    Blondie007wi Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Roxmyworld
    it is very flexible and every batch is a little different. My husband and I eat a 2 cup bowl before supper every night. Have fun, Linda