Help-need encouragement

I have been stuck at my 10 pounds lost point for about 2 going on 3 weeks; actually it seems I gained a pound, making it 9 pounds lost. Granted I have been sick for about half that time and taking cold meds, but have stayed within my calorie allotment. I have probably eaten less than my daily allotment because of no appetite, but tried to stay close. I definitely have not gone over my weekly allotment. My exercise level has been low, but it was never set high because of limitations. Could my body be adjusting after the 10 pound loss or am I at a plateau? Need suggestions on what to do?


  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Some meds slow your metabolism, that and actually not eating enough will make your body cling to the weight.

    Just get back to doing right and this will all work itself out.

    I have had a plateau explained to me as more then 4 weeks of no lbs or inches lost.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Eating less than your MFP calorie allotment is going to hinder your weight loss. In order to lose the 1lb/week you have to meet your calorie goals, not fall under them. The reason is that MFP has a built in deficit and you should not have a deficit to a deficit.

    Chances are as well that your body did not want to let go of any reserves during a time you were ill.
  • amydray
    amydray Posts: 26
    i think if you can just continue to keep up your calorie allowance, don't fall too much under, and try to eat as CLEAN as possible, then it will come off! i hit a plateau several times throughout my tries to lose weight over the years, and 10 lbs was usually my fall off point. I was for years either not eating enough, or too much. My poor metabolism had no idea what to do! Only after this site has held me accountable, as well as quitting smoking and working out a bit, have I been able to jump to the next several lbs. You can do it. Don't let a cold get you down. It feels like a set back, but it's just one speed bump on the road to a healthier you! :flowerforyou:

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