TMI post - Females only please!

LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
Ok so about a week before TOM, i'm exhausted and STARVING. Does anyone up their calorie intake a bit duirng this time?


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Nope, i just try to pace myself with the snacks and eat every 2-4 hours. I also try to drink more water, get in all my exercise, and eat more protein (to keep me feeling full longer)

    i feel your pain though. I have hunger while on TOM. I'm currently in that place. I've been hungry all day. I'm snacking :))
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    It's tempting to! But rest assured, once you're through a day or two , it'll get better.

    I up my caffine intake just a little bit, and up my work out - and drink as much water as I can handle!
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    Nope, i just try to pace myself with the snacks and eat every 2-4 hours. I also try to drink more water, get in all my exercise, and eat more protein (to keep me feeling full longer)

    i feel your pain though. I have hunger while on TOM. I'm currently in that place. I've been hungry all day. I'm snacking :))

    Do you allow yourself a treat here and there during it though?
  • Jessicat9
    Jessicat9 Posts: 9 Member
    I find it hard not too! Although going through that right now and seem to be doing OK today. Guess if there is one time not to deny yourself something you crave its TOM, but be careful not to slip up too much! My plan is always try to make up for it with extra excersise the next day!
  • etjaneausten
    etjaneausten Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, I have cravings and binges that I can usually control more during the rest of the month. I try to make up for it in exercise and extra water, but don't always succeed.
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I am always hungrier around this time. The scale also will show a gain of a few pounds when I really haven't gained. I usually take my weigh ins with a grain of salt the week before my period. I also try not to eat too much junk. I'll indulge and snack a little more, but I log everything and I try to stay under maintenance every day. I'd rather maintain one week out of the month than be hungry and miserable. :)
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    yesterday. i was weak. just look at my food diary. im so ashamed.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I up my water intake and I resist temptation.

    I do crave a bit more sweets so I get a couple skinny cow ice creams and 100 cal Kettle Popcorn. As long as I don't indulge nightly it doesn't effect me.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I also find that I am ravenous for two or three days before my period. Like... have a rough time going two hours in between meals or snack! I find that as soon as my period starts, it is alleviated nearly immediately. And I usually crave sweets.

    I am on modified Atkins, so sweets cravings suck big time. I usually indulge on an Atkins bar or an Atkins cookie... or if I'm feeling REALLY good, I'll eat some sugar-free Jello or pudding.

    As far as upping my calories, I have my caloric goal at 1800 daily with 50 or so grams of carbs. I rarely eat that much, though-- I usually hover around 1300-1500 daily. During my "hungry" days, though, I'll eat right up to my goal, but I try not to go over. :)
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I don't usually feel any hungrier, I just crave all the sweets stuff. To combat my cravings though, I worked out extra hard my last TOM. I only found myself eating sweets the first day, but after that no longer was craving it. And I also split the sweets with my bf, so I didn't feel as guilty. I tend to eat WAY better when I workout vs my off days.
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    I used to... but then I was gaining from overeating and the normal water weight around that time... so i stopped. Instead of upping calories, I just eat more of the lo-cal stuff. and make sure that I save enough for the end of the day so I can have a light dessert (like skinny cow icecream or candy bars..) hope it helps!!
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    Options's the way I most often "treat" myself before and during TOM. Go and buy some Yoplait whips chocolate mousse yogurt and pop them in the freezer for a few hours.....there's ur 100 cal chocolate ice cream "treat" every time for me!
  • szyja
    szyja Posts: 42
    For me, I allow myself a small...VERY small treat. Right now, I have been using dark chocolate covered Acai and Blueberries. But, I make sure not to exceed a serving size (about 20 pieces). Works great for me...
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I try to add extra snacks that are healthier & more water. Fruit & nuts, esp pistachios & right now, watermelon or tomatoes! Maybe a mini-hershey bar a day (they're 40 cal each), just to give myself what I'm craving, but w/out going too crazy! But the water helps a lot!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Nope, i just try to pace myself with the snacks and eat every 2-4 hours. I also try to drink more water, get in all my exercise, and eat more protein (to keep me feeling full longer)

    i feel your pain though. I have hunger while on TOM. I'm currently in that place. I've been hungry all day. I'm snacking :))

    Do you allow yourself a treat here and there during it though?

    I allow myself treats every single day. I make sure it fits into my caloric intake, but i eat granola bars, pizza, cheesecake, chicken wraps, sushi, rice, etc .... everyday!

    I'm currently eating chocolate pop-tarts. I don't eat "diet food", I eat everything with portion control. I log everything that goes in my mouth & if it fits into my day and i want it, i eat it.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Don't know if you're opposed to it but I've started using a birth control that stops the TOM all-together where I don't have to worry about it. It's especially convenient since I'm in the military and I don't have to worry about that weigh me down in so many other ways.

    Just saying, it may be an option looking into.

    Good luck, though. I remember the TOM and was no fun - especially with eating.
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    For me, I allow myself a small...VERY small treat. Right now, I have been using dark chocolate covered Acai and Blueberries. But, I make sure not to exceed a serving size (about 20 pieces). Works great for me...

    These are great and good for you also!!!!!
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I totally crave carbs just before and for the first day or two...I want to eat bread etc. So I eat a little more and do more exercise to compensate so I'm still within my allowance. I don't go crazy (no donuts haha) because I know I'll get back into bad habits for the rest of the month if I do. The way I see it, if you are actually craving and feeling hungry then your body is telling you that it needs a little something more - that is quite different from WANTING and bingeing :wink: No use feeling faint and doing yourself damage - if you went and donated blood at the hospital you'd be offered a cookie to stop you feeling faint .....what's the difference with TOM?!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    I give in to my cravings... Last one I was over by 1800 cals a day for 3 days. Resulted in 3lbs gain :explode: I'm gonna resist next time
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't increase my calorie intake on here, but I sure do eat my face off, buy way more energy drinks and sleep. I also skipped the gym, but still walked for 45 minutes a day