How to increase running speed?

seckler Posts: 169 Member
I am currently doing the weight lifting portion of P90X on Mon, Wed and Fri and running on my treadmill on Tues, thurs and Sat. I am goin to be running in a 5K in September and want to shave at least 2 minutes off my 5K ( currently my best time on the treadmill is 27:15 - this was at a speed of 6.8 on a 2% incline for 9 laps and 6.8 at 1% incline for 3 laps and that last .1 was at the 2% incline at a speed of 7).
I've been told to do some speed work and longer runs. Is this what I should do? Is this what has worked for others? I am wondering if the incline is enough or if I just need to keep trying to speed up each week? Looking for someone to say do this on Tues. This on Thurs and this on Saturday lol!
I'll listen to any suggestions. Thanks!!


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I think the best way to increase speed is HIIT. With the fast speed intervals, you become more accustomed to the faster speed and it will carry over.
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    One day of HIIT a week? Which I am thinking is kind of like the speed work that wa suggested to me... Sprint a lap and recover for 100 yards or 30 seconds or so and then sprint another lap. He does this like eight times or so. What would I do the other days then or do you mean do HIIT each workout?
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    One day of HIIT a week? Which I am thinking is kind of like the speed work that wa suggested to me... Sprint a lap and recover for 100 yards or 30 seconds or so and then sprint another lap. He does this like eight times or so. What would I do the other days then or do you mean do HIIT each workout?

    I would say do HIIT for all your workouts. You need to train your body ( and mind) to remember that the faster speed is okay. It's also a part of muscle memory, I find that if I'm not paying attention I will slip back to my standard pace, even though I can go faster. When I was doing a small HIIT workout three times a week, I sprinted for 3/4 the length of the track (1/8 mile track ) and then fast walked the other part. It ended up being 30 seconds for each portion. Each week I added another lap. Another way to increase the difficulty is to sprint slightly longer and then shorten your recovery time by the same amount or distance.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Can you run outside at all? Or is everything on the treadmill?

    I would not go to all sprint (HIIT) workouts.

    With 3 running days a week, I would mix it up. One long run, at least 5 miles, one speed workout, and one option workout, depending on how you feel that day. That could be anything from a recovery run to a tempo run. Or even a steady state run pushing yourself at a slightly faster pace than normal.
    One other question is "are you a fast sprinter naturally"? If so, I would rely even less on speed workouts. Those aren't going to help you carry that speed over a long distance.
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    Can you run outside at all? Or is everything on the treadmill?

    I would not go to all sprint (HIIT) workouts.

    With 3 running days a week, I would mix it up. One long run, at least 5 miles, one speed workout, and one option workout, depending on how you feel that day. That could be anything from a recovery run to a tempo run. Or even a steady state run pushing yourself at a slightly faster pace than normal.
    One other question is "are you a fast sprinter naturally"? If so, I would rely even less on speed workouts. Those aren't going to help you carry that speed over a long distance.
    Pretty much the treadmill is the only option with the exception of maybe Saturday. I do like the idea of mixing it up because I get bored with the same thing easily. Would it be okay to do a speed workout, a long run and a see how I am doing with the 5K run each week to see if time is proving? I'm not sure what a tempo run is.
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Anytime you would like to join Kevin and I we would love the company! He is also trying to better his time as I am always trying to do better! Also there is an app that you can download on you iPod that will tell you exactly what to do when you are jogging. Some people live by it and it has really helped them. As for me I just kinda trained myself and each time told myself I was going to do better until I did it! You are super strong and I know you will do well! Oh and if we find a 5k this summer would you be interested??
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I think I would mix it up. 1 or 2 days HIIT on the 3 miles. Another day go for endurance and increase to running 4-5 miles on that day, even if the pace is slower as your body adjusts to the longer runs. The other day run the regular 3 miles and just coach yourself slowly to speed up a bit, maybe the last 1/4 or 1/9 mile of each mile step it up .2-.5 mph, whatever you can handle and build upon.

    Also keep in mind that running outside is different than on the treadmill. My speed on the treadmill is faster (6.5mph) than my speed around the 1/2 mile track at the park, down around 6mph depending on conditions. You have to factor in more variables outside like hills, wind, temp, humidity. Plus with my knees I am more sore after running outdoors, but my knees give me trouble and I have to monitor them no matter what.

    Since you are training for a 5k this fall I definitely would try to run outside on the Saturdays that its possible. Adapt your body to the elements and running on varying surfaces.
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am goin to try to do a long run on Saturday's, a speed (HIIT) workout on Tuesday's and a regular run where I try to increase speed on the 5K on Thursday's. The only challenge will be running with sore legs on Saturday since my P90X leg workout is Friday and I am usually sore the next day. I will try to get outdoors on Saturdays as I do understand that running outdoor is different ( which is why I run on the 2% incline). Closer to race time I will definitely make sure to run outdoors some.

    April if you all decide to run a 5K this summer let me know and I will try to do it too!

    Thanks again everyone!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    The only challenge will be running with sore legs on Saturday since my P90X leg workout is Friday and I am usually sore the next day. I will try to get outdoors on Saturdays as I do understand that running outdoor is different ( which is why I run on the 2% incline). Closer to race time I will definitely make sure to run outdoors some.

    Thanks again everyone!

    Actually depending on how sore, that may "help". Your long runs are supposed to be slow so that you can build up to going longer. If your legs are alerady a little tired, you won't go too fast.