Pizza FAIL. :(



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Don't feel guilty about eating too much one day. Move on, it's a new day, and you didn't really eat back half a pound.

    I ate two Little Debbie chocolate pies of my sudden binges. I was 300 calories over for the day. Oh well. Today's a new day and I'm back to eating and exercising like normal. No guilt, just can't make that a habit.

    You're not in a race, just keep on the road and don't worry about any missteps.

    Besides, if you go "way under" today, it might make you want to splurge again.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    1 piece of schwebel's whole wheat flatbread - 190 calories
    1 serving of ragu pizza sauce - 40 calories
    2 servings of mozzarella cheese - 160 calories
    1 serving of pepperoni - 140 calories
    Veggies, Veggies Veggies....

    This sounds really great and quick. Thanks!!!

    But to the point of this post; don't sweat it. There will be over days. Just pick back up on the next meal where you left off and don't look back. Water is a must, but if you are posting here you know that already. One late night snack won't sink your ship.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Agree with most of the above: Eat your regulation-sized calories today, make sure you get a work out, forget the past.

    (Disagree that if you have less than 1200 in a day you hit starvation mode though - you need to be consistently under for that to happen)

    I find the only way to deal with having too much food in front of me is to destroy some of it. Next time, if you want one slice, ask your partner how much he wants, set his aside, set yours aside, put the rest in the bin. The fist time I did this I almost cried - it goes against my upbringing to throw food away. Now it still feels hard but it works!

    Sal (my wife) and I have thrown away things like boxes of chocolates because we know if they are there we will eat them! We just take a couple out each to eat whenever and the rest get binned. Thank goodness we are there to support each other :)
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    I personally think it's good practice to have the occasional 'cheat' day. I heard it's actually helpful to your weightloss to have a day off once in a while when you're dieting (mine is Sunday evening)....not sure how true that is but I like to believe it lol. It keeps me motivated to know that I can stick to my diet mon-sat and treat myself on sunday......something to look forward to.....I just make sure I don't go crazy and try to stick to under 2000 cals so I don't undo a whole weeks worth of hard work :)

    Don't punish yourself over it, just think onwards and upwards :)
  • erin1081
    erin1081 Posts: 7
    I take it one day at a time too..I used to beat myself up about my "pizza fails" and that would accomplish nothing more than blowing my entire week! I would get down in the dumps and inevitably gain weight. I have learned that the "take it one day at a time" approach is easier! Tomorrow is a clean slate...forget yesterday!
  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    1 piece of schwebel's whole wheat flatbread - 190 calories
    1 serving of ragu pizza sauce - 40 calories
    2 servings of mozzarella cheese - 160 calories
    1 serving of pepperoni - 140 calories
    Veggies, Veggies Veggies....

    This sounds really great and quick. Thanks!!!

    But to the point of this post; don't sweat it. There will be over days. Just pick back up on the next meal where you left off and don't look back. Water is a must, but if you are posting here you know that already. One late night snack won't sink your ship.

    It's still a bit high in the sodium and fat areas, so you should definitely plan your other meals so you can fit this with all your goals...but it's definitely helping me to have it as an option. I just need a quick fix for chinese food cravings now! LOL!
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks everyone for the good advice!!! (and recipes). I have been drinking water like crazy today, and I've vowed not to weigh myself until Sunday.