
So I live in Northern MI and I find myself around this time of year getting very depressed because of the weather and then I start eating all the time too. I'm also having marital issues so that is just making me more depressed and I just don't know how to handle all of this. I am trying so hard to just make it all work and I honestly feel really hopeless at this point. My old college friend and I are going to start walking the dogs a couple days a week together, and I think that will help me, and I'm really trying to just talk issues out with my husband, but sometimes I feel like I am just beating a wall over and over. So I guess I just need to start working out and getting rid of the frustration and anger and continue working on myself, because I can't change anyone but myself.


  • kdanderson05
    So I live in Northern MI and I find myself around this time of year getting very depressed because of the weather and then I start eating all the time too. I'm also having marital issues so that is just making me more depressed and I just don't know how to handle all of this. I am trying so hard to just make it all work and I honestly feel really hopeless at this point. My old college friend and I are going to start walking the dogs a couple days a week together, and I think that will help me, and I'm really trying to just talk issues out with my husband, but sometimes I feel like I am just beating a wall over and over. So I guess I just need to start working out and getting rid of the frustration and anger and continue working on myself, because I can't change anyone but myself.
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Working out will definitely help. Get those ednorphins flowing!

    Pay attention to your nutrition and make sure you are eatting things that will help keep your body and mind running as best as it can.

    Try yoga. It is very relaxing and can help you deal with the stress.

    I'm all about a good book and a cup of chammomile tea, too!

    Focus on taking care of yourself and you will be just fine. Lean on friends and family for support. And of course, use the message boards!
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Hey Katie!!! Glad to see you over here too!
  • kdanderson05
    Thanks Renae.....I need to start something fresh and you defientely encouraged me to join here!Thanks!!!!

    DjBliss-thanks for the advice. I am going to try yoga on my wii fit and see how I like it.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Katie, I live in northern Canada so the winters really get me down as well. Try to get some cardio exercise in as it makes all the difference, especially if you can get out to a class with other people.