Hello everyone!

bejbik Posts: 3 Member
Hey everyone, I have been trying different diets and workout programs for the past 3 years now and my weight keeps fluctuating. I actually have been diagnosed with an eating disorder-NOS, which is not bulimia or anorexia but is still a significant enough of a behavior that it is still categorized as a disorder. I know myself to be really good about eating and working out and then something in me will snap and I will binge for days, or weeks, at a time. Which causes me to gain all the weight back that I stuggle to lose in a couple of days of overeating. I am trying to change my mindset and learn to hate overeating. So hello! :)

I am only 21, I live in Chicago, I currently weigh 136 and I am 5'4. So yes, I guess I shouldn't be "complaining" as I'm not exactly fat but I still don't like the way I look and I have definitely too much fluff on me. So yeah, let's be friends on here and keep each other motivated!