Just found out I'm more than likely diabetic...

Hi MFP Peeps! My name is Jeanine and i just found out I'm a diabetic! :) LOL

Here's a lil' intro to my story... I have a family history of diabetes...from my dad! We (my mom and I) are guessing he was in his mid to late 40's when he was diagnosed. He didn't do his best at controlling it, and ended up having complications...On Dec 19th, 1989 (yes I remember the day vividly!) he had a stroke, which "took" his right side. Long story short, he ended up with macular degeneration, had to have one of his big toes amputated, blah blah blah. Speed forward to about 2009, I notice small little things going on with my body like the starting of blurred vision, tingling in my arm, or my arms going to sleep while I'm trying to sleep, legs and feet hurt if I stand too long when I was working, etc. I chalk it up to me getting older..(I turned 34 this year) I ask my dr, and he shrugs it off saying no your not diabetic...He didn't do one test what so ever to even check. Just asked if I had certain symptoms, and he knew i had a family history of diabetes. So now here we are in 2011, I move to another town, not that far from my old one, I find a new dr and just mention it to him...He checks my fasting blood sugar, its 177....Oops..I drink the sugar drink...30 mins later its 261, 30 mins. later its 297, an hour later and the final blood check, its only dropped to 225. "A big fat fail!" says the nurse, jokingly! LOL

I'm not shocked, I'm not upset, yet I think i really am, I'm not in denial....yet I'm glad to finally to know for sure, instead of wondering! Yet I am mad at my old doctor...Reading online, all of the symptoms I had, he should have checked, and I could have been taking care of this a lot sooner than now! Im also wondering if maybe my eyesight wouldn't be as bad, had we caught it earlier!! Thats what I'm upset about!

Sorry to ramble, but I had to get this out there. Is anyone else having to change their eating and exercising lifestyle due to diabetes?? (I'm sure there are) :) Please feel free to respond and let me know what you've done to get healthier and control this disease?!



  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I was just diagnosed last month. It's hard, but it's going well so far. This website REALLY helps in tracking my carbs and sugar. Good luck to you!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    My grandma was diagnosed in her 50's...I'm so much like her & also built like her, that I figured I would get it then also. That is what brought me here.....Now I have lost 86 pounds with my last 14 to go. I try and eat right....I do alot better then I used too! I'm a work in progress. Good luck : )
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I am diabetic but I have been losing weight and my A1C is down almost 2 points. My doctors says when I get to my goal weight I will most likely be able to get off all my diabetic meds and blood pressure meds. I cannot wait for that moment.
  • babs23
    babs23 Posts: 86
    Type II Diabetes is reversible if you're committed to making a lifestyle change. You're here, so I definitely think you're interested! :) Just google "reversing type II diabetes" and get started! Good luck! <3
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    I am also diabetic, since 2006. I was in denial for a long time and the more I felt bad and blood sugars hitting over 400, thats when I woke up. I had lost 100 lbs, never was diabetic and nothing wrong. but when I gained the weight back in an alarming rate, diabeties came with it.

    I am here to say you can control this. cut those carbs. carbs from bread, pasta, rice, potatoes will raise your blood sugar faster then table sugar. Opt for wheat bread. every diabetic is different just like every pregnacy is different. so keep a log of your foods and what your blood sugar is after you eat them, that way you will find out what foods spike your sugars and stay away from.

    Since I took control over my carbs and what I eat, I am off tons of meds. I was taking 5 pills a day and 2 shots. Now I am reduced to only 1 pill (metformin) before dinner. If you need any help / advise I am here.

    I go to the DR today, matter of fact and I hope I have my A1C down enough to even get off the metformin. But we will see.
  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
    I was diagnosed a few years ago, while going into a diabetic coma, with a blood sugar of 511. It is a life adjustment, and accepting it also involves an adjustment period. Don't be surprised if your thoughts, feelings, and reactions change over the next weeks and months. Having support is good, as well as someone to go to with your thoughts, feelings, and questions. Feel free to friend request me if you need a go to person. Hang in there! It is doable and you can make your life/health better!
  • I have a family history - my mom has already had a toe and half a foot amputated. She is currently in the hospital for an infection in the partially amputated foot. This last year has made me wake up and take a hard took at my body type and the food I love. I have made changes. I weighed 171 in Oct. 2010. Today I weigh 132 - with 10 more to go. Good luck. Just an idea - I have my blood work done every couple of years. I think all doctors should put their patients on a regular schedule. All it takes is a couple of X's on the correct form. It's no skin off his nose (if you know what I mean). It's your time and your money to have it done, not his.
  • pricenskok
    pricenskok Posts: 15
    Wow! Thank you all for responding! I love hearing about everyone trials and tribulations with this disease (man I hate that word! LOL) Please keep me posted on how things are going with you and your dr visits!!

    To those who mentioned your dr appts, Good Luck, and I hope you are able to drop more of your meds! :)

    I do have a great support group from my family, but it always helps having others who are going through this themselves who offer great support as well!! :) Thank you! :) Thanks again for all your encouraging comments, please keep them coming!! If you need another friend to add to your support group, feel free to add me!!

    I know my biggest challenge is going to be reading the labels and understanding them, which one is good, bad or indifferent! I spent hours last night reading online about them, and its still so confusing! LOL

    Babs, that is interesting about type 2 being reversible, I know there is no cure for it, but I will definitely check into that, I'm really interested in seeing what it says, thanks for that info!

    Congrats to all of you who have lost so much weight, and even starting to lose weight, that is awesome, keep up the great work!! I myself have lost 10lbs as of today! :)

    You guys are great!!

    I forgot to add, that I go back in on monday for my doctor to tell me how we are going to go about changing things, what I do, and don't need to do, more than likely I will get my meter as well. I am ready to make this change!!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey Pricenskok,

    I read your story. I am glad that you are trying to change your life style and get healthy. I decided to change my life style for a few reasons, one being that my mom was diagnosed with Diabetes. It was scary when she would call me and she was having an episode (not knowing where she was and slurring her words), especially since I live across the state three hrs away. I felt like I couldn't help her. Long story short. I told her how I feel about her condition and that ti scares me to know that I could lose her if she doesn't change her life style.

    I give her props for making small changes, like cutting back on sodas and sweets. I just wish she would start exercising. I know that if she lost 20lbs her health would increase dramatically! I am 20 years old and when I started MFP I was weighing between 163 and 166. I realized that I could be in the same boat as my mom if I did not make a change. I am trying to do this for myself and to show my mom that it can be done.....Sometimes I feel like she is not taking it seriously enough.

  • shaundam
    shaundam Posts: 38 Member
    I love you girl and I am always on the watch for diabetes. Too many people in my family had it and so I do keep a watch out. Since I've been changing the things I eat and workin it on out with you I have been feeling a lot better. I ate ALOT of sugar before and knew it was just a matter of time, glad I'm turning it around now. You are turning it around too, you just have to be more vigilant with your food selection.