
The other day I felt like complete ****, was dizzy and moody and felt like I was gonna puke. I kept drinking water, eating my calories, drinking more water...peeing a lot. Finally I called my mom and she said I must had depleted my potassium drinking so much water. I ate 3 bananas and felt tons better. Is this all in my head, LOL, or could this really have been what was going on? I didn't know!


  • jnettiedotson
    Really? No one? BUMP.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Have you used the reports feature to check your potassium? You can use that to see how much you are getting.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's a helpful article for you from Scientific American about water consumption:

  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    If you were getting muscle cramps too, it could well be potassium.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    When ever I don't have enough potassium my calves will cramp. I can get light-headed when I stand up sometimes, but I think that's just from my slow heart rate and low blood pressure. I don't think I've ever had any of the symptoms you described though.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I always get plenty of fiber so I now track potassium instead of fiber. I found that my potassium is very low unless I really try to eat things high in potassium. A banana or two a day won't get you very far. Tracking is making me very aware of where potassium can be found. But I have no idea as to whether low potassium can cause the symptoms you experienced.
  • IOWAlapbanderette
    IOWAlapbanderette Posts: 74 Member
    Every time you drink large quantities of water, you deplete potassium, think of it as thinnning your sodium and potassium, when those get depleted you get dizzy, light headed etc. Sodium and potassium have levels that need to have balance.
    A good rule of thumb for water is 8 glasses of water daily, also consider any other liquids as intake, coffee, tea, soups etc. they all count towards that goal of 8 glasses, if they are H20 based.
    Take a good daily multivitamin,( there are basically no calories in this, but many benefits)
    along with balancing your vitamins with fruits and veggies..
    good luck!