Just a big kid?

RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
I'm curious what some of you still do as an adult that you have done as a kid...

Here's a couple things I do...

I hate veggies, so I play with my food... I had peas for lunch... I pretended I was a giant eating whole heads of lettuce... I do that too with broccoli and aparagus as trees... (of course when I'm at work I don't make the noises or movements like I do when I'm home alone)

I don't step on cracks because I'm afraid to break my mother's back.

I still won't say "bloody mary" in the mirror with a candle and in the dark.

I like to pretend I have magical powers when I approach automatic doors or elevators door, every once in awhile I'll make the hand gesture like a jedi...

So forum... what do you still do or don't do as an adult that came from you childhood???


  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I still won't say "bloody mary" in the mirror with a candle and in the dark.

    So forum... what do you still do or don't do as an adult that came from your childhood???

    This! lol. I;m also still a huge procrastinator.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    I'm 27 and I'm still afraid of the dark!! I live on my own, but I still call my dad to come over and kill big spiders. I also love hanging out with my 2 year old niece, because it gives me an excuse to play with all her toys and watch all her Disney tv shows and movies!!
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    As a kid, I wanted 2 things - 1. To fly. and 2. for it to rain skittles.

    For number 1, to get myself in the mode, I would sit upside down in a chair, with my legs verticle pointing to the ceiling. And then I'd imagine walking on the ceiling, just all over the house.

    I still do this sometimes :blushing:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I watch cartoons.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I go see little kids movies at the theater. Then it looks like I'm a pathetic dweeb because I am watching a little kids movie without even a date.

  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    The monster still lives under my bed, Bloody Mary is there. ug I hate that part! I still peel string cheese one string at a time and I get giddy about candy and ice cream! I never wanna grow up!
  • OneFitMom_
    OneFitMom_ Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah, your number 3 totally freaks me out!!!! I hated that game and I can't even look into the mirror when it's dark. I've always been OCDish about organization. I couldn't go to sleep at night unless everything was back in it's original spot. I used to ask my brother and sister if I could clean their rooms. I had to have all my labels facing forward too!! ex. - in the cabinets, shower, etc. I'm still like this!!!!! My son is picking this habit up too!!!
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    I hate sleeping near windows because I had this fear and kinda still do that aliens would come and abduct me if I were by the window.
  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    I uh do the whole not stepping on cracks because you'll break your mothers back and I watch cartoons, AND I still get excited when a new episode of Spongebob comes on!!!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I don't like my arms or legs to be hanging over the edge of the bed when I sleep at night... LOL

    I also still sleep with a stuffed animal or blanket... or if I have to I will use a pillow to hold in my arms..
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I still won't split a pole. You know, if walking side by side, I walk on the same side so not to have the pole between us. I don't know why or how it started, but it's one of those things.

    I won't allow my children to watch TV on Sundays before noon. Comes from growing up in household where Pops was a preacher, so if you did not go to church, no TV until noon on Sunday.

    Will always eat my meat last on my plate. From mom making us eat our veggies first.

    Oh Nole...Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary....Bloody Mary...lol.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Sometimes I still run and dive onto the bed because I'm afraid something will grab my feet. A good scary movie can still bug me for a long time.

    Oh, and I still sleep with a blankie. Seriously. My mom made it for me when I had my daughter and I sleep with it every night.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I hate sleeping with blinds open, my feet and hands should never hang outside the bed, my feet must be covered even if it too warm at night, closet door must be shut completely (don't want the closet monster to come and grab me)...I still eat my food in order of preference (depending on what's on the plate, i'll start with the meh food item to end with the best food item, so usually begins with vegetables)
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    @ pa2b32 and Temporalia

    I do the same with my food too... always veggies first; just to get the deed over with!
  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    1. I still play with matchbox cars and make sound effects like tires squealing and hard landings after making the car jump, although now I can play them with my son so its not as wierd.:wink:

    2. Still love to play with remote control cars.

    3. Like watching cartoons especially those from my era; Munchichis(sp?), shirt tales, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Duck Tales.

    4. I too eat my food in a sequence, leaving the best for last.

    5. Not afraid of the dark but not overly confident either:laugh:
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    I go see little kids movies at the theater. Then it looks like I'm a pathetic dweeb because I am watching a little kids movie without even a date.

    Actually I think that is both sweet and shows that you are confident enough to do it by yourself :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I play video games, watch cartoons, board games, a like to colour, i dont think i would do Bloody Mary either, i dont need her haunting me, I just like to play it is fun and i wont stop, when you stop playing you get old quick.
  • KayleighDawn13
    1. I make the noise of the animals before eating the animal cracker, even if I'm in public.

    2. I run and scream like a little girl when I see a spider, even if it's tiny.

    3. I play with my veggies.

    4. I run after the ice cream truck..but only if I have enough calories left for the day now.

    5. When I'm sick I call my dad and say "Daddy I don't feel good, what should I do?"
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Watch cartoons on Saturday mornings

    Make up dances with my friends

    Lip sync in front of the mirror

    Still play Dare and Would you rather.

    I eat my Reeses by biting of the edges and then peeling off the top layer of chocolate and then shoving the rest into my mouth. lol.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I still won't split a pole. You know, if walking side by side, I walk on the same side so not to have the pole between us. I don't know why or how it started, but it's one of those things.

    I won't allow my children to watch TV on Sundays before noon. Comes from growing up in household where Pops was a preacher, so if you did not go to church, no TV until noon on Sunday.

    Will always eat my meat last on my plate. From mom making us eat our veggies first.

    Oh Nole...Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary....Bloody Mary...lol.

    i eat my meat last too...why i don't know...probably from all those nights of sitting at the dinner table and not allowed to leave until all my peas/green vegetables were gone--they taste better when warm.
    I still won't eat green vegetables with the exception of broccoli, and i don't buy them so therefore my daughter won't eat them.
    I still sing along to Disney movies
    Oh-i still can't have my food touching and the gravy can't touch the veggies...just the meat and potatoes.