HELP! Too much sugar??

Since January, I have been monitoring Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Fiber, and Sodium. Today, I finally decided to monitor SUGAR in take and I notice that I'm CONSISTENTLY over on my sugar calories by about 30-50 grams. Most of these sugars are from fruits and foods like sweet potatoes, whole wheat breads, etc --- NOT refined sugar. Is there still a limit? Is this lengthening my plateau? Should I be doing something different??

Has anyone talked to a nutritionist about this? A trainer? Anyone an expert? Help me out :)



  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    bump :)
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Several of us were having this same conversation on someone pages this morning. I ignore sugar because I drink milk for breakfast and as soon as I do that I have reached my max almost. Another girl had some fruit for breakfast and hit her max. I think it is almost impossinle to meet the sugar requirements they have on here. If someone is consistently doing it I would love to know how. I don't add sugar to anything so if I am getting sugar it is what is already in my food.
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    ok, sugar is sugar.. ur body processes it all exactly the same way whether it comes from a sweet potato or a peice of candy, i personally LOVE sugar, and it definately can hinder ur weight loss, when ur sugar is high and peaks, ur insulin levels spike, and insulin stores fat... so by cuttin out ur sugars, u cut down on stored fat basically. and for me i found it stores right around my belly and love handle area, so since ive cut out milk, and fruit and all the excess sugar ive seen a huge difference!.. i still eat sweet pot bc they have alot of other really good nutrients in them.. but i make sure i cut it out of other areas... anyways, its up to u if u want to lower ur sugar intake, but u should aim to keep ur insulin levels level through the day and night, its the best way to cut cravings and to have ur body in try it out for a while, see if u notice a diff, im sure u will...

    if u go back into my dairy a few weeks (i havent been logging) u will see i rarely ever go over on my sugar! exercising gives u a few extra points ;)
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member