Healthy or Too Hell with it??

circusmom Posts: 662 Member
edited September 28 in Chit-Chat
I"m curious what others do when they are sick, do you suck it up and stick with a healthy diet and exercise plan or do you just say "to hell with it" and eat what you know your stomach will tolerate.
Now by sick I don't mean a sniffle or indigestion, I mean sleeping on the bathroom floor beacuse it's easier than getting up every 15 minutes to vomit, dry heave, *kitten* yourself silly, or a combo of these..... for me, it was to hell with it, bring on the banana popcicsles, ginger ale, and sprite, don't care if they are sugar free or not. And the next day when the gut wrenching is over I just want soup, just soup, no protien, no veggies or whole grains, just soup. Made the way I want it, a whole package in 1 1/2 cups of water, yes I know it says use 3 cups and it makes 3 serving but I want it 1 serving, 1 strong all for me, serving.
As for exercise, the only exercise I'll be doing is lifting my cup of warm ginger ale from the night stand to my mouth.
A dear friend of mine called my after knowing how sick I was the night before and wanted to know if we were going for our weekly run together, Ummmm, NO!!!! She seemed very serious when she asked if I was going to let a virus get the better of me!! Ummm, yeah, kinda of already did.
Sometimes people can be so funny, you just have to laugh at them, after you drag yourself off the bathroom floor!!! Which brings me back to my question how many people would push on and eat what they know to be healthy and after the worst is gone would you go right back to exercising???
For me, NOPE, to hell with it!!!!


  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    If sick, I'd eat whatever I have to to get well again, Including things I don't usually eat, Canned soups, toast, crackers etc..
    Whatever it takes!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have a piece of candy or a burger and start again tomorrow. No excuses. Its not about dieting it's about eating healthy and being healthy. I can still be bad once in a while. But I make sure I don't make it a habit or all is lost.
  • Sedonafan
    Sedonafan Posts: 26 Member
    To me, the things you can tolerate with a stomach virus usually are healthy (such as soup and crackers). It's not like you are dying to sink your teeth into a Big Mac. lol. I have only gotten violently ill once, during my freshman year of college. i couldn't leave my dorm room for over 3 weeks. I lost about 20 pounds and only ate saltines. lol So i think that i say **** the diet until I am better, because most likely I am going to lose weight anyways lol
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    When you are that sick there is no way to keep meat, veggies, and fruit down. So why bother to eat stuff that makes you sicker. Eat what you can - and get right back on track when you feel better.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 333 Member
    If I'm sick, I'll eat whatever I can stomach. If I don't feel like eating anything, then I won't eat. If I only feel like eating soup and or saltine crackers, then that's all I eat. But I try to @ least drink my 8 glasses of water.

    As far as exercise goes, if I'm too sick to move (like you apparently are), I won't do any exercises till I'm better. If it makes me feel better to walk around, sure I'll let the walking be my only source of exercise.

    The important thing is to not overdue yourself. Just take it easy & focus on getting better.

    Get well soon! :smile:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Food wise, I continue with my normal pattern unless I'm sick enough that I just don't care to eat. Unfortunately for me, being sick (other than a stomach virus) has never decreased my appetite all that much.

    In terms of exercise, if I have a fever, I don't work out. If I'm fever-free, I do as much as I can, but whether it's sickness or injury, I'm very careful about listening to my body and stopping when it tells me to stop. There is such a thing as pushing too hard when you're not feeling 100%.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    this is my second week having my period...o_o so Im starting to feel a bit err run down. I'm still on it, but a bit slow.

    Don't push yourself too hard :)
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Sorry to hear you had a bout like that. It has been a while since I was as sick as that, but if I were I would focus on getting well and then resuming working out. Eating is a little different because you may not be able to hold anything down or tolerate different foods, I'd say just to make the best choice of what is working for you until you feel better.
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