belly fat

wat is the most convenient way to loose belly fat


  • zobia
    zobia Posts: 91
    wat is the most convenient way to loose belly fat
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    veggies, veggies, veggies
    ab crunches.....................
    lots of water
  • PhotographerOfNature
    I want to know that too!??????????????????
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Cardio, cardio, cardio. Oh, and core work. And diet is soooooo important.
  • carlotta
    carlotta Posts: 46 Member
    that is a GREAT question! i am wondering the same thing!!! i have been saving for cpsmetic surgery for a few years now to have a tummy tuck. even my doctor says that most people dont lose the flabby part of the stomach that happens after 2 c-sections and weight gain. my youngets is 7 so its not like i can still say "oh that baby fat!"
    i think that is the most depressing part of my body because i just dont see how i can get rid of all that extra skin and such!!!!! i would rather NOT have the surgery but....
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    that is a GREAT question! i am wondering the same thing!!! i have been saving for cpsmetic surgery for a few years now to have a tummy tuck. even my doctor says that most people dont lose the flabby part of the stomach that happens after 2 c-sections and weight gain. my youngets is 7 so its not like i can still say "oh that baby fat!"
    i think that is the most depressing part of my body because i just dont see how i can get rid of all that extra skin and such!!!!! i would rather NOT have the surgery but....

    You are right, cIarlotta, if you have a bunch of extra skin (and stretch marks are a tell-tell sign), you will be able to lose the fat underneith, but will have saggy skin. The only cure for that is a tummy tuck. Don't let anyone tell you you can have a flat stomach, because unfortunately, that is not totally true. I have had three kids and have a few stretch marks below my bellybutton. As I lose my belly fat, I can see that the skin is NOT going to be as tight as it was pre-baby. You are lucky if you can afford PS. Good luck with that! :smile:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    There is a HUGE difference between stretched out, scarred, or loose skin and Adipose fat (body fat). If you have any of the former, then time and in cases where there's just too much skin, cosmetic surgury are the answers. The latter (body fat), can be reduced and removed by exercise (cardio) and a healthy diet.

    Let me make 2 points ABUNDANTLY clear.

    1) YOU CAN'T TARGET FAT LOSS!!!!! Whether you have it on your butt, belly, hips, waist, or neck, it will come off the way your body wants it too, you can do all the core exercsises in the world and they won't make you lose belly fat faster then any other. It will make the muscles under that fat stronger, which is good, but it doesn't remove fat any faster. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or trying to sell you something.

    2) Skin loses some flexability with age. It takes about a year after you lose weight for an average 30 year old to have the skin around their stomach tighten back up, but there are limits, if you have had the weight in your belly for a while, had children and/or c-sections, or are over 40, chances are much of the extra skin around your waistline will not snap back on it's own. You have 2 choices at this point, deal with it and live your life or if you have the resources, and are aware of the risks, have a tummy tuck.
  • Vixenn
    Vixenn Posts: 1
    You can lose belly fat, but how much are we talking about? Have you had a body fat composition test done? Most gyms offer this fast, easy test. This way you can determine exactly how much excess fat you have. We all need to make sure we have realistic expectations. Genetics plays such a huge role in your appearance. Not everyone can achieve the "six pack". That said, your diet is the most imporant part of any solution to maintaining a healthy weight and attractive appearance. Then, lots of vigorous cardio exercise. And of course stress relief so you are not jacking up your corizol levels and depositing even more fat in your belly! Good luck! Vickie, a personal trainer
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I had two babies in less than two years, and accordingly gained and lost over 60 lbs within that time period.... and went from this to this (see pics below).... here's my humble opinion of what worked for me...

    Although my abdominal area is FAR from perfect, it is MUCH better than it was (it used to rest on the bed when I would lay on my side!). What worked for me....

    - Following MFP - losing the body fat!!!
    - Core work! For almost 4 months I did at least 400 crunches every night (any combination of regular, oblique, reverse, scissors, etc).
    - Avoid the foods that contribute to a puffy gut, and they can be slightly different for everyone, for me, it's dairy, carbonated beverages, alcohol, garlic, sugars, processed foods, while flours

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Pardon the picture that is on its side! Geesh! Still trying to figure all this out!
    :tongue: :blushing: