
boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
why is it that i am so freaking insecure? I mean seriously! my DH made a comment about a pic that he thought was my BFF and now Im just going crazy about the fact that he didnt realize those legs were MINE! He said he didnt look at the pic very well and just thought it was hers. Why cant i just accept that instead of thinking a million other things like "how does he not know that is me? is it cause he doesnt look at me and think I am hot? is it cause he is disgusted by me?"

OMG please tell me Im not the only self torturer out there. Why do I do this? Im not a troll and I know this but why do I think HE thinks Im a troll? I dont get it!


  • I'm not sure, can you tell me what a DH is first?
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    maybe he didnt mean it like that and you are being a little sensitive hunny. Being insecure is common. Trust me i have spouts of it xx
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Dear husband :)
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    p.s you are beautiful xx
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I have a horrible self-esteem too. It's a daily battle that I'm trying to overcome. You need to learn to accept yourself and not seek acceptance from others. I hope you can find a way to love yourself a little more. We're worth it!! :)
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    He didnt im sure. I just dont know why sometimes I feel like the queen of the world and days like today I feel like a werewolf? AND NO ITS NOT TOM.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    learn to love yourself, trust me im trying xx its hard but does get better
  • nlfrancis
    nlfrancis Posts: 35
    One - boys are dumb, if it wasn't for the tattoo's on my foot by boyfriend probably wouldn't know what my legs looked like in a picutre either.

    Two - we all stress, so quite stressing about your stressing. I have been going through the same thing lately about my boyfriend and driving myself crazy, I know it sucks but it will be ok.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm quite sure he doesn't think you're a troll, only that you think he thinks you're a troll. Men can be not the most observational creatures at times (or most of the time), but I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    thats what is wierd. When it comes to others I dont care but when it comes to my husband Im just a wierdo! lol I hear these things from people all the time but every now and then from him would be nice ya know? AND if he would say it randomly! not when I say "does this look ok or how do I look"

    Im not a needy person but damn throw me a bone every now and then. Am I making sense?
  • becky611
    becky611 Posts: 77
    I totally understand what you are saying. I have the same problem and it has caused quite a bit of the fights that my husband and I have. I'm trying to do better, but it is hard.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I don't think I'd be able to tell any of my friends apart by their legs :/

    You have GOT to let this go. I drove away the man I loved because I held onto insecurities like this. My lack of confidence shook my faith in our relationship and even the strongest most loving people can only tolerate it for so long.

    Learn to love yourself. Through self help or therapy or standing in the mirror and saying, "Dang my cheekbones look FINE today!" (or something). If you love yourself little things like this won't only not matter - they'll make you laugh.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    wait i sound a btt arrogant. I dont hear that ALL the time from people. I just mean people tell me that Im not a troll and I appreciate it. I just want to hear it from my man ya know. Maybe I will give him a reason to tell me later! Yeah after I get finished cooking dinner, running DD to her cheer party, get home give DS a bath and go to bed!
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