Anyone 5'4 in the 150s/early 160s...



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm 5'4" and am down to around 145lbs. However, I was plateaued at 150lbs for a LONG time (Sept 2010 to May 2011). Upped my calories in May and dropped 5lbs. I have moved into maintenance now -- though I had a couple 3000 calorie days and lost a couple pounds afterward. I really think a lot of people hit 150 and plateau.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    It was set to lose 2lb a week but I wasn't losing anything so I saw suggestions that I wasn't eating enough and to change it to more calories!!

    I walk 3 miles every day and occasionally run and swim (I know I should make it a regular occurrence!).

    Everyone keeps telling me different things. I'm not eating badly, I'm not eating too much. I'm so close to throwing the towel in!

    The leaner you are - the harder it is to lose weight. I did take a quick peek at your diary and I really don't think you're getting enough protein. You should be eating your lean body mass (I go by goal weight - it is easier this way) in grams of protein a day. I try and eat between 150-200g of protein each day.

    Also, if what you've been doing isn't working anymore - don't be afraid to switch things up to try and get things moving again. Change your workouts, raise calories (I wouldn't lower if I were you), zig zag calories.

    I eat between 2200-2500 calories a day and have been maintaining my weight for over a month.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    It was set to lose 2lb a week but I wasn't losing anything so I saw suggestions that I wasn't eating enough and to change it to more calories!!

    I walk 3 miles every day and occasionally run and swim (I know I should make it a regular occurrence!).

    Everyone keeps telling me different things. I'm not eating badly, I'm not eating too much. I'm so close to throwing the towel in!

    I feel your pain. I am stalled at 160. I exercise 5 days a week, eat healthy but have lost nothing. Upping calories might be our problem.