Any P90x sucess stories for women???

gloria84 Posts: 52 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I want to start P90x but wanted to get input from my fitnesspals!! I need to know if this is the right thing to do. I have 15 pounds to loose... is this the right program??? I would love to hear success stories, PLEASE!!! maybe pictures too!!!!


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I lost 24 pounds during my first 90 days of P90X classic. I love the program. Within the same program there is a classic version, lean version, and the doubles version. The classic version has more weight lifting days than the lean version.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member

    I really dont have anything to lose but I want to be RIPPED................ And I have heard some good things......
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    It didn't do much to help me lose weight, that was mostly done through controlling my diet. But it was great for firming and toning. I have more strength than I did before I started as well. Feel free to click on my before/after photo link below my ticker. There is a photo of me this past April on a trip to Mexico. My arms and shoulders have a lot of definition now. Good luck!
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    My fiance is doing it with me and she has lost 16 pounds so far. We are on Day 74!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    P90X is great for men and women. If you put in the time and hard work, you will get results!
  • I am on the 4th week and I have lost about 12 lbs and a total of 8 inches so far ... granted, I still have a long way to go ... I love it!
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    It didn't do much to help me lose weight, that was mostly done through controlling my diet. But it was great for firming and toning. I have more strength than I did before I started as well. Feel free to click on my before/after photo link below my ticker. There is a photo of me this past April on a trip to Mexico. My arms and shoulders have a lot of definition now. Good luck!

    My sentiments exactly. I didn't get the weight loss I was looking for without adding much more cardio. But the strength and muscle tone...out of bounds!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    bump - gonna start soon with my man :)
  • I started it about 1 1/2 years ago and it was awesome! Unfortunately, I had bad knees and couldn't keep it up but I hope to get back into it as soon as my knee replacements are done! It was really intense but it works!!
  • P90X is a program with great work outs, but they are hard! In my humble opinion, if you already are actively taking advanced aerobics or are a weight lifter, it is a great program to start. I was active in TaeKwonDo and found these workouts really hard.

    You can loose pounds, but I found this program impossible to stick with because it is so hard. Also, the guy leading the classes (I forget his name) is so goofy! His constant prattle is irritating. There are many things I liked about the program. I like the counter at the bottom and I love, love, love, the KenpoX workout. I still do it. The AbripperX work out is good too. Having said all that, I couldn't finish it was too hard and the yoga moves hurt, so I whimped out.

    I'm never one to say don't do it. I'm saying go for it, but it is really tough. Good luck!
  • leasah
    leasah Posts: 107 Member
    My husband and I are in week 9 and I can tell you I have been really diligent about the exercise. If I have to miss a workout I always make up for it on my stretch day, so I feel like I have really given it my all. Much like you I only have 10lbs I would like to drop. Now to date I have not lost a pound but I say that not to discourage you but to let you know the nutritional part is far more important than I anticipated. I have not gone hog wild but I have not been following the dietary guidelines. It is a fantastic program and we are already planning to do a second round, but I will definitely follow the diet next time.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I've done P90X 7 times getting results each and every time. The most results for me came in round #2. I was around 150 pounds when I started that round and 128 pounds when I finished. I went from size 10 to size 6. I would post up my Beachbody video cause I won the Million Dollar Body Game in March '08 which shows all my transformation pictures, etc. but I won't do that because last time I did, it was reported and taken down as "spam." Go figure.

    But yeah, P90X works if you follow a decent nutrition plan and workout intensely. I mean, heck, ANY workout program involving 3 days of heavy weight lifting, plyometrics, yoga, and a couple of other cardio routines will work as long as you work hard and eat right. :flowerforyou:
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    P90X is a program with great work outs, but they are hard! In my humble opinion, if you already are actively taking advanced aerobics or are a weight lifter, it is a great program to start. I was active in TaeKwonDo and found these workouts really hard.

    You can loose pounds, but I found this program impossible to stick with because it is so hard. Also, the guy leading the classes (I forget his name) is so goofy! His constant prattle is irritating. There are many things I liked about the program. I like the counter at the bottom and I love, love, love, the KenpoX workout. I still do it. The AbripperX work out is good too. Having said all that, I couldn't finish it was too hard and the yoga moves hurt, so I whimped out.

    I'm never one to say don't do it. I'm saying go for it, but it is really tough. Good luck!

    I am speaking from a guy's point of view. But I didn't find it that tough. I mean it will kick your *kitten* no doubt! But you just have to keep going. And sooner or later you will get so much better! I started P90X around 300 lbs and completely out of shape! My first time with Cardio X I thought I was going to die! I didn't even finish the whole DVD. But I am so glad I stuck with it.
  • gloria84
    gloria84 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for all the info!!! I really didn't want to get buff without loosing my 15 pounds.... I think Im going to loose them first then start the P90x.... Ill keep everybody posted!!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    That is why P90X has their lean version to the program. There is also Power 90 by the same company, that has cardio and sculpt. Chelene Johnson has Chalean Extreme for lighter weights as well.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    That is why P90X has their lean version to the program. There is also Power 90 by the same company, that has cardio and sculpt. Chelene Johnson has Chalean Extreme for lighter weights as well.

    I actually used heavier weights in ChaLEAN than P90X. Well, mostly...I got some dinky wrists so squats and deadlifts with dumbbells aren't that great for me.
  • anhaab
    anhaab Posts: 44 Member
    I completed the p90x program and had great results! I had plateaued w my workouts and lost about 15 lbs while on it and a couple pant sizes. Message me for more details!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
  • I'm on round 2 of P90X (lean version), and while i haven't lost a lot of weight (i was within 10lb of goal when I started), i've lost ~5lb and have toned up a bit. I am stronger and fitter than ever (I run on the cardio days). I love the structure of the program and the results. I probably will do the classic version for round 3.

    As far as the "toughness" of the program - it's challenging for sure, but there are modifications for everything. For instance, I stil ldon't do pullups - I use a resistance band looped around a pull up bar. I just "graduated" myself to a heavy duty band to up my intensity. The PlyoX is probably the most challenging workout of the bunch, but with time, you can do it. I was running and doing Jackie Warner circuit training dvds prior to doing P90X. So I think I was in decent shape to begin with. If you've never exercised, I'd probably recommend doing something else before jumping to P90X.
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