"I won't let myself get over *blank* lbs"



  • It was 200 lbs for me. Then 6 years ago I stepped on a scale after seeing some of the pictures from my 30th birthday. It said 203 lbs and soon after I quit drinking soda. I lost 10 lbs from that then started to diet, jog, work-out. I got down to 172 and felt great.

    Then slowly over the years I slacked off and gained it all back and then some. Two kids (sympathy weight?) later plus quitting cigarettes I was 227 lbs.....

    So I started eating better and drinking more water and less Sweet Tea (store bought). I never started back up with the sodas (maybe 1 a day). Then 2 weeks ago my friend told me about Myfitnesspal. I signed up, bought a bike and started riding 6 days a week. I maintain a 12-14 mph pace and go for 8-10 miles a day.

    I'm happy to say I weighed in at 199 lbs this morning. I hope to be under 175 lbs in 2 months, but I'd still be fine anywhere under 180 lbs.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    The first time I lost some serious weight I started at 193, droped 50lbs to 143 and went to the doctor later that year and was 203, I litteraly started yelling at her that her scale was wrong. I swore I'd never go over 200lbs again, I prceeded to lose 60lbs the next time...
    Then went up to 213...
    I think you see the pattern here! When I started this time I was 251lbs, this is the time I break the cycle!! Once I'm outtat the 200's I planon never seeing them again!
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    150lbs was mine and i got back up to 159lb before i found this site. most i have ever weighed was 215lb when i was 9 months pregnant. I never want to be that size again. I hope to get down 10 more and when i have another baby i hope to stay active and only gain no more than 25lbs. :S

    I said nothing over 150 for years after I had been my highest of 165 in high school, and I had kept it off a long time(around 130lbs), then in my early 20's I started drinking, when my mom died I started binge drinking, and gained almost 30lbs until I was 158lbs. Then I lost down to 128, then back up to 150 again, now nothing more than 140lbs, and I'm keeping an eye on that scale.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I was disgusted with myself when I hit 190 but always swore to never hit 200. My breaking point was when I stepped on the scale and it said 202! I sat down and cried. That was three months ago. Been working on changing my life ever since :) and I don't plan on hitting that number again.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I won't ever, ever let myself be so complacent about my health again... Scale be damned.

    Everyone, remember how you feel typing those sentences right now. Remember your goals! Remember you are more than a number!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I won't ever, ever let myself be so complacent about my health again... Scale be damned.

    Everyone, remember how you feel typing those sentences right now. Remember your goals! Remember you are more than a number!

  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    Ummmm yes lol I think it's even on my profile page :)

    I remember being a teenager and 180 was it (I was usually around 165 then). Then by college that was smashed and I was 206. I fluctuated between 190 and 210 FOREVER. Then three years ago (and I swear I was JUST thinking about this earlier today) I stepped on the scale and was 222.2. I thought I would never go above that and got down to 207. Then a year later I was 230. Then a year later (last summer) I was 252.6. I was freeeaked out (but didn't do much about it). Fast forward to two months ago, I found MFP, and now here I am :) (226.4 this morning)

    I think I'll stop saying "I'll never get above THAT," b/c it doesn't seem to work well for me lol Time to refocus on being healthy, I s'pose :)
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Mine was, I would never let myself get over 200 lbs. They day I saw 200 lbs on the scale I joined MFP... I would never ever go back to that day. And now... I never want to let myself get out of controll like that again!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Ohhh big time. For years I convinced myself I was 150 lbs and that was okay... then I came to grips with the fact that I was 160, but that was okay too, as long as it wasn't over 170! I avoided scales like the plague because "what I didn't know couldn't hurt me", though occasionally when I stepped on one to see it said 175, I thought, nah, the scale is off, I'm still around 165!

    ...nope. I was definitely around 175-178 lbs, which was my tipping point!
  • i never had a "safe" number in my head but when i stepped on the scale in january and it said 201 i *kitten* my pants, found MFP a few weeks later and here i am 20 pounds less and im keeping on keepin' on!!
  • Mine was, I would never let myself get over 200 lbs. They day I saw 200 lbs on the scale I joined MFP... I would never ever go back to that day. And now... I never want to let myself get out of controll like that again!

    we're twins...except youre the hot twin since youve lost more weight tahn me LOL
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Mine was a size. "I'll never go above a 20", I'd say. "Never wear anything with a 2 in front", I'd tell myself.

    "The clothes run small", I'd say. "This is actually an 18," I'd say. "I'm a 16 in the waist!", I'd protest, "It's just the hips in the way."

    Yeah... It's amazing how good we become at lying to ourselves.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Only twice before did I ever see 150 and it didn't last long. I always thought that I was an ogre over 140.

    Then I fell in love and moved in and my scale was packed for 10 months. You can imagine my horror that I was 182!

    Once I get down there again I am going back to my "never over 140" rule - because it's WAY TOO HARD at this age!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Mine is around 140. That's generally the point where I stop and say WTF AM I DOING?!
  • 022988
    022988 Posts: 8
    For me it was 150. I didn't hit that, but I got too close for comfort. For years I stayed at 130, then gained about a pound a month for the last year or so. I decided I need to attack this problem while it is still an amount that I can reverse relatively quickly, instead of ignoring it until it becomes a much bigger problem.
  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
    250 has been my "freak out" change things point...

    I don't knwo what it is, but that is my limit...

    Sometimes I wished I would have had that point at 180 or something... but heres to looking forward instead of backward!
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i have never and will never be over 200 lbs. that is my personal promise to myself... and i will never be over 155 again.
  • crazylil1
    crazylil1 Posts: 20
    i was 145 when i was pregnant so i dont want to ever be heavier than that
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I didn't have a number before but now I do as soon as I see a new middle number in my weight. Like... As soon as I'm out of the 160's, 159 will become my number that I will never, ever go above again.
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    When I was at the beginning of my teens I said I'd never get to 170lbs. Considering my goal weight is now 160lbs, I'd say that certainly changed.
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