Poison ivy = steroids = +18 lbs in last week

I realize that it is mostly water weight and should fall off quickly once I finish the meds but this is miserable.

On something called a Zema Pack and Vistiril (sp?). Half way through the 13 day dosing schedule now.

Should have one doozy of a new "before" picture by this time next week,


  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I agree. You should be experiencing only water retention. Just stick with the diet plan, eat healthy, drink plenty of water (counter-intuitive, but it is good) and once you finish the meds, you will probably be able to sweat it out in a few days of working out.

    Good luck. Poison Ivy sucks.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Damn! That's one badass case of poison ivy! 18 lbs is a lot of weight in one week. You may want to check with your doc about this.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I agree. You should be experiencing only water retention. Just stick with the diet plan, eat healthy, drink plenty of water (counter-intuitive, but it is good) and once you finish the meds, you will probably be able to sweat it out in a few days of working out.

    Good luck. Poison Ivy sucks.

    Sound advice.

    Feel better :)
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Find a homeopath and get some Rhus Tox.

    I got poison ivy while I was pregnant. It went systemic and I had it ALL OVER my body for 10 WEEKS. I didn't realize it *was* poison ivy. I'd just bought a bunch of new clothes, switched laundry detergent, etc.

    They are not crazy about giving you steroids while you're pregnant.

    Anyway, 3 doses of Rhus Tox cured it. If it don't help, it don't hurt. And no side effects.
  • dosesr4winners20
    I agree with jbug100. Maybe a call to the doctor even it's normal just to be on the safe side. I had many skin things before and took several cycles of steriods (back to back as well) and maybe only put on 3 to 5 lbs. Feel better soon!!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    To the OP - I hope all is better now!

    I went hiking a couple weeks ago and came across some unknowingly - it took over a week to start showing though (about three days ago). I just have it on my lower legs but this is a new kind of awful I've never experienced before. :sick:

    I finally gave in today and got a prescription - the PA gave me a lowish dosage of Prednisone - and I am just waiting for some pounds to pack on!