The number on your scale is REALLY just a number

I found out the hard way today that when it comes right down to it, that number on the scale really doesn't mean anything. I have a girl that works with me that I talk to on a regular basis. I don't know how we got on the subject of talking about weight and fitness n' such, but to my shock, she weighed 170 pounds....I weigh 166 pounds. I've got a gut, muffin top, fat on the arms and legs and she is a goddess of fitness (toned, no jiggle, no "big curves" no nothing; skinny as a rail). She's as tall as me, weighs more than me, and is in peak physical condition.

I'm sure it's all muscle, I know, but the point is, your weight doesn't matter. You'll know when you're in shape and you'll know when you're not; simple as that. You don't need a number to tell you how "in shape" you are.


  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    amen to that.
  • beach_chelle
    beach_chelle Posts: 221
    I know what you mean. I am built in a manner in which my actual weight is way higher then I look. That's why I think you should aim for a range and not number. Glad you posted this thought/
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    I so doesn't matter what the number it what matters is how you feel and if your in shape.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    It's true. When I lost weigh before, and aimed for x amount of weight, I realised it was below a healthy weight- of how it looked on me. Aim to be happy, healthy and fit, rather than a specific number on a scale I reckon.
  • Toots2012
    Toots2012 Posts: 25
    I needed to hear that TODAY!!! I have been working out and eating really good. I know that my workout routine is causing me to build musle and my body is starting to look fierce, however the scale is going up in number, I was a little bothered at first but then I realized that i'm toning up in certain areas and it feels and looks great. The numbers on the scale are over rated. Muscle mass weighs more than fat because it is more dense.
    I am vowing to myself to let my scale collect long as I see the difference in the mirror and can tell in the way my clothes look. I'm good.
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    This is so true! People don't believe how much I weigh either. I'm tall and have a fair amount of muscle (working on having more!) But you know the thing that kills me the most? That effing BMI crap! According to the BMI chart I am considered "overweight" and probably fairly close to "obese"...really? Obese? Take a look at my I look obese? No, I don't.

    My gyno, who I love dearly except for this one area, loves that frickin' BMI chart. She's always like, "Oh my, we're creeping close to obese on the BMI chart. Gotta get the numbers going in the opposite direction." I feel like strangling her when she says this.

    But, guess what? I have a plan...wanna hear it? Next year when I go visit and she pulls that crap with me here's what I'm gonna do...I swear to God. I'm gonna say, "Really Dr. G.? You're worried about my fatness level? Well, let's see how everyone else in the office feels about that!" Then I'm gonna strip off my little paper gown and march stark raving *kitten* naked out into the waiting room and poll whoever the hell is out there about my fatness level! I swear I will do it. I'm gonna say, "Point to the exact pieces of fat you would like me to remove. Shall I cut off my breasts? Or perhaps my entire head so that I fall into the proper range on your effing' BMI chart?"

    Oh, don't get me started! I may have to repost this response later.

    Sorry, thankskbye.. :)
  • beach_chelle
    beach_chelle Posts: 221
    But, guess what? I have a plan...wanna hear it? Next year when I go visit and she pulls that crap with me here's what I'm gonna do...I swear to God. I'm gonna say, "Really Dr. G.? You're worried about my fatness level? Well, let's see how everyone else in the office feels about that!" Then I'm gonna strip off my little paper gown and march stark raving *kitten* naked out into the waiting room and poll whoever the hell is out there about my fatness level! I swear I will do it. I'm gonna say, "Point to the exact pieces of fat you would like me to remove. Shall I cut off my breasts? Or perhaps my entire head so that I fall into the proper range on your effing' BMI chart?"

    Oh, don't get me started! I may have to repost this response later.

    Sorry, thankskbye.. :)

    Lmao! That is too funny :laugh: