So what next?

I feel like I go through this every year. I am not a yo-yo dieter, but I generally keep 10 - 15 more lbs than I want, on my body. Every year I complain about how I look and how I feel. I've actually managed to get down to a size 8 twice. I've never quite met my weight goal, but I got close. Then things happen. I feel like I don't need to watch in the winter and that its "ok" to put on the winter weight like a bear. Or I get board with the routine and stop trying. Or I have a baby and completely forget the whole thing (for 3 years, almost 4 if you count the pregnancy).
Any way, I'm here now but I don't want to do this anymore. I don't mean MFP, this site is great but I don't want to have to do this for the rest of my life. I have ADD and in about a month, I'm going to lose focus and won't be able to get it back.

For those of you who have met your goal, what do you do now? I'm on a 1200 cal/ a day plan to try and lose weight. I force myself to exercise thought I hate it more than anything, and I know when I meet my goal I'll give up. What do you do to just maintain? Do you still count every calorie? log on 3 -4 times a day to check in on how your doing?

It's so much, I can imagine doing this for the rest of my life.