There is a chef in the house...

JTN005 Posts: 4
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm new, and don't have any friends here on MFP yet, but I was looking for a little advice. I currently live with my parents (I'm starting college in the fall) and my dad used to be a chef. He cooks the most amazing food all the time...and it's full of fat as well. I'm pretty good at managing my servings but I'm not good at logging things in the food journal when he makes his own home-made alfredo or he makes deep-fried pork chops in a special batter. I fill up during the day on lots of fruits and fiber bars, which means that at dinner I'm not starving so I do not eat a lot, but I still feel like I might be cheating myself when I log the food because I don't know how many calories or carbs are in the food.
My family isn't exactly on page with my weight loss either, so I can't just ask my dad how much he uses and what things are made or because I would just be getting in the way.
I really hope that someone can help me to try and log my food as accurately as I can, and maybe I'll make a friend or two. :)


  • mcqlove87
    mcqlove87 Posts: 59

    I too have a similiar problem. My husband just graduated from culinary school, and he makes lunch for us a lot. At first it was really hard, because I didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything. But I just told him that if he wanted me to succeed, he was going to have to work with me. So now he tries his best to tell me approximately what's in whatever he has made. And he's helping me watch my portions. I also switch things out, like dressings and toppings/sauces. If it's something you add extra, opt for soemthing healthier.

    Thanks for posting this, I'm anxious to see what others can offer for advice :)
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