Starting my Journey

Starting my Journey w/Pics

I having been toying with the idea of getting into shape for well over a year and always found a reason not to do it. I would complain constantly about wanting to be more toned and about 20 lbs lighter. Finally, my husband got blunt and said, "Stop whining and do something about it." This stung when he said it but it was exactly what I needed.

The thing is, I am in my third year of school for my Health and Wellness degree. I know the importance of fitness and diet to stave off diseases and illnesses of all kinds, I just always procrastinated. I have many dvd's, fitness books, weights, a mat, but I never had the motivation. Within the last month I joined MFP and started logging calories. I tried to do some of my Bob Harper's Inside Out Method Dvd's and would get winded and turn it off within 5 minutes.

A few days ago I was lounging in my bed, putting off all of my housework, school work, and the like; just watching tv. I couldn't find anything on and realized how much time I waste finding ways to do nothing. It's a silly thought, I know. In that moment, I realized that the 30 minutes I could spend surfing the tv channels or exploring Facebook, I could be burning significant calories. So I popped in a Dvd.

It has been 3 days in a row that I have exercised, whether it was a 30 minute Dvd or a mile walk/jog, I have done it everyday. I have found that when I try to jog my legs itch incredibly like I have been attacked by fire ants lol. I googled this and found it to be due to my previous sedentary lifestyle and the capillaries in my legs. But I will push through that too.

I am proud to be on this journey and have decided to put my starting pics on here as well.

Here are my before pics- 6/19/2011- 157 lbs.